Bruce Springsteen thread

What are you talking about? I’ve no problem with the lads enjoying themselves, no matter how much they are being ripped off.

Just like your trip to Wrestlemania

Huzzah! Hon Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce

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There we back with the back-handed insults again, merely proof that you are realising the you’ve been a clown.

I can’t remember if you were always like this or if being a bitter attention seeking idiot has only been exacerbated by your move to Cork.

Insults is it? Youd know all about bitter… I hope you have a great time mate, I truly do…but if it doesn’t go well, just remember, he will be back to play the same songs in two years, and two years after that again…

Sounds great

Dont be so sure mate, the E Street are dropping like flies. We’ve already lost Clarence and Danny :cry:

I’m sure it does, pal. I don’t know why croppy is getting so bent out of shape.

There we go. Openly disgust when people attack Star Wars but then you tow the same line and bring out the same insults in an effort to castigate people who enjoyed a certain facet of the entertainment industry. And to make matter even worse you say that we’ll keep going every year when he comes back, like you didn’t enjoy the new Star Wars movie (as I did) despite the fact that it followed more or less the same storyline as the original did over 30 years ago.

Jog on you fucking hypocrite.

Its only apt that the great man plays Croker this year of all years. I cant wait to hear him sing The Rising


Oh my…that is just wonderful.:joy:

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We shall henceforth call it ‘the star wars defence’ … What a meltdown and it only 9 in the morning.

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Calling you out on, and highlighting, your complete hypocrisy is hardy a meltdown.

You’ve been stitched up like a trout, mate.

Ah here we go. The ‘it was only shits and giggles and banter defence’ when you get found out.

Never change dude, Never change.

Found out??? Are you for real or taking the piss here?you’re off your game.


Good old skool wumming from cm and people taking the bait like internet amateurs :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I wonder will he have Enda and Baldy Noonan jiving with him on stage again?

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Have you not a wedding to be getting ready for?

“Ah, 'twas unreal now. He played for nearly 4 hours.”

The type of muldoon simpletons who judge the quality of a restaurant by its meal portion sizes.

They’ll be overjoyed this morning. They already are.