Bruce Springsteen thread

The tension simmering away inside the lads.

First blood to the Broncos.

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An apt picture for a Bruce Springsteen thread.

Ah lovely, you’ve started in this thread at age 14 levels of wumming and have ended up at age 8.

@ChocolateMice you truly are the Benjamin Button of the wumming world.

MacRoaster goes to Springsteen


Lovely. I’m off out to buy a brand new pair of Levi’s and a new white T-shirt

@ChocolateMice has @croppy_boy jumping through hoops here.

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Wumming? I thought I was being genuine here? …either way it doesn’t matter, you’ll keep coming back every time because you can’t let it go, you never can. Your simple little brain needs to justify your outlook over and over and over…no wonder you are such a big Bruce fan…the same monotonous shite on repeat.

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Keep coming back?

I’ve just called you out for this for this first time ever.

I did this as you’ve shown clear hypocrisy on this, given your defence against the joyless cunts on a similar debate before Christmas.

Now you’re taking encouragement in the fact those you castigated in that debate are now championing you taking their stance.

You, Sir, are the mug.

Let’s go back over this morning -

Choco posted a throw away comment about Springsteen doing his cruciate…

In response, Croppy goes spastic, calls him a hypocrite, uses the plot of star wars to justify his claim. He then says that choco was wumming, kinda blowing apart his own rant on star wars and choco being a hypocrite if he was only wumming, but the posts moved then and it was the standard of wumming that was the problem, so much so Croppy had to post pictures to show his disdain…


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Cruciate? No fear of this man doing his cruciate, 66 years young and still doing stage slides like this.

I’m claiming this as a TFK ‘Breaking News’ Exclusive :clap:t2:


Nope, you’ve been at it for the last few days you retard.

Now I know where roasters at weddings get their moves from.

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AC/DC thanks you

This will be brilliant, The Boss is class.


These Springsteen fans are the weirdest cunts you will meet… ’ I went to all 4 nights, then caught a flight to Germany and watched him for three nights… On the monday he played x, Tuesday he played Y… I’m hearing in Amsterdam he played Z’

Mad weird cunts :joy:

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+1. It was harmless fun and you could look on and chuckle at them when it was 3 or 4 nights in the RDS in August or something.

But @croppy_boy coming on and revelling in Wexford being kicked out of Croker is disgusting. That said, I think this whole Springsteen thing is a wind up with him.

It must be, judging by his posts earlier.

Star Wars?

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