Budget 2012

There are a few holes in that theory.

Ya and we’ll all stop working and live like Kings :pint:
I wonder why nobody ever thought of this before?

True. Shows a better grasp of economics than JG though.

So far:

  • Car tax all bands up by 20%
  • 50c increase in the price of 20 cigarettes
  • Dole cut by €10 per week
  • cut by a further €15 per week after 9 months

Fags up 10 cents. I guess I can tune out now.

What is the current rate of the Dole? presume it has come down from the lofty 204 a week it was back in 2009

188 I think

50c increase on rolled tobacco.

I actually made all those up

Some pleb in work who obviously can’t use head phones and the internet has a radio on his desk blaring out this shit. Really annoying, I’m incredibly wealthy and none of this crap materially impacts me.

€1 on a bottle of wine.

The bastard.

A tax on pretension :clap: this may soothe me enough after he hit my smokes and booze. Did he cut anything from welfare?

Why don’t they just shoot me now?!


Oh no! My car tax goes up by €30. €30!
I made 50 times that on Dunph’s dog. :smiley: :lol:

You’ve a major boner for cutting welfare dude!

We can’t afford it and at current levels it disincentivises work

That’s why we have such a high level of emigration.

What Sid said. That, and you’re right that’s why there are so many jobs floating around that we just cannot get people to do, because they’re disincentivised to work.


Julio making a show of himself here.

Glad to see you are coming around to my way of thinking. The dole is for surviving on. You shouldn’t be able to have much of a life on it.