Budget 2018


Debate is above your ability level which is why you’re doing a cyber tap out now.

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If lots of people are caught testing Positive for PEDs does the system work or is it a sign lots of people abuse PEDs


Have you heard of that recession yoke we had?

So maybe if we lowered social welfare people wouldn’t be able to pay for PEDs?

His MO.

  • Runs into a topic that triggers him
  • Asks a few open ended questions, doesn’t add to the debate
  • Puts fingers in ears running away saying it’s the other person who can’t debate when’s he’s presented with facts and an argument

Because you make a different argument elsewhere

Anyway school is out for today and you have been schooled.

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Ireland has had lower levels of unemployment that EU levels for quite some time.and we have been creating more jobs.

It’s like as if they didn’t suffer.

Oh yeah I forgot this wasn’t the Catalan Independence thread where the lefties can bring up youth unemployment in Spain…

@Nembo_Kid with another stunning retort :grinning:


And you have given us another rather tame deflection to the theme you no longer want to debate. How about you stay on topic?

Can you read?

Ireland’s positive demographics suggest it should have a lower disability rate than other countries in Europe.

And it does.


You tried to use the Irish recession as an excuse.

The reality is that the EU also suffered a wide ranging recession.

Your point was ill thought out garbage.

Back to the topic then:

Can one single person please post some evidence to suggest that people making a lifestyle choice to stay on the dole is a problem that is in any way significant.

If so, I will acknowledge that there is a problem and we can all discuss how to address it.

Social Welfare makes up nearly 50% of state spending.

That’s a glaring problem right there.


It’s too high. There are problems in the health sector and other public services that this money should be going into.

You have been given plenty, that you choose to ignore.

Run on please.

As I thought, you have very little in the way of articulating your point of view.

When you don’t like it, you run away.

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