Budget 2019

What would happen the country if in the morning everyone switched to electric cars, stopped smoking and only drank on rare occasions?

You’re lighting a fire in your mouth and inhaling the smoke. Of course you deserve to be ripped off ffs.

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youre doing it wrong


We’d have to tax the well off…

Christmas bonus to be restored. About time too.


There’d be queues for miles at the charging points and people would have nothing to do in the meantime only drink and smoke

You suggested its ok to increase the dole as the money goes back into the economy. How do you know it goes into the economy and not into ice packs for bruised jaws in vegas

Strange question. It’s well established that welfare recipients spend spend most of their money in the local economy.

Like Tesco and Ladbrokes?


Did it take an in depth study to establish they spend most of their money in the countries they live? They should spend it all here. No entitlement to holidays on state given money.

Great stuff, it’s a great stimulus for the local economy.

But there is an entitlement to holidays. Look it up.

Link? Im saying there shouldn’t be really. Why not up the entitlements to 220, made up of vouchers for food, fuel, electricity, bus passes, gym memberships etc, with 30/40 a week for discretionary spending. Make sure people have all the necessities for a comfortable life, but an incentive to get a job for the gambling, holidays etc non necessities


Try Google.ie

Im saying its ridiculous thats allowed really. Do you not think people should be incentivised to go find work?

They are.


What? Do you find it preferable to be on the sole or have a job? Why? There’s your answer.

How are travellers incentivised to find work?