Budget 2019

Why are you asking me?

What do my motivations for working have to do with what i asked you, which is what are the government doing to incentivise people off the dole?


They receive social welfare but donā€™t bother with jobs.

You donā€™t seem to be able to back up your earlier assertions.

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You truly are some guesser :laughing:

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Do you not feel incentivised to get a job?

You didnā€™t answer the question unsurprisingly.

Youā€™ll find it was me who asked the question that you didnā€™t answer.

I never thought of not getting one.

But that has nothing to do with what i asked you, what are the government doing to incentivise people off the dole and into the workforce. Can you answer without a pointless deflection towards me?



How do you propose policing this brainwave?

If you had the ability to read on, welfare should be provided in the form of vouchers etc not just cash. Keeps money in the economy, allows people the stability to get back to work

If they got up out of their beds and earnt some of their own money would they not spend most of it locally?

Nah business wouldnā€™t like having all these vouchers to cash in. Bookies would go out of business. You canā€™t put vouchers into the slots.
And what if you want to save up your dole money and invest in Tesla?

You mentioned in your later post that they would also be given a small sum of cash you dozy cunt.

How would you ensure that they donā€™t spend it abroad? Would border dwellers be exempt?

Iā€™m sure you have thought this through and have the answers.

Yes but it would be less and realistically these types need a little cash.

Yeah they should get 30/40 a week, if they want to go up to belfast thats fair enough, if they pay a two grand for a trip to new york thatā€™ll have to be looked at, ie show where the funds for this cane from. I know west britains icon has just been humiliated, so Iā€™ll forgive the narkiness from you.

Iā€™m delighted that yob McGregor was battered.

But you need to think through your half baked ideas regarding welfare reform. They donā€™t make sense.

The same tired bullshit is thrown out every few months on hereā€¦

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I still think your question is very strange. Do you think the system we live in doesnā€™t incentivise people to work? 95% of people work. Surely something must be incentivising them? What about this do you not get?

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Whatā€™s your point here?