Budget 2'17

Any chance they will extend the Home Renovation Scheme?

Landlords get an extra 5pc in mortage interest relief, while homeowners can rent a room out for €14k a year without paying tax.

Dirt to go on a sliding scale to 33% over the next few years so that it’ll be match CGT @33% by 2’20.

Sugar Tax - matching the UK one launching in April 2018.

50c on the fags

Jesus they’ll go mad and they just after getting equality


I’m tuning out, I can’t be listening to Passschal .

A good budget for Pensioners and sheep, in particular the latter. They have been given a €25m welfare fund.

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Home renovation scheme extended for two years to end of 2018


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Good stuff.

Did you start yet?

No, still waiting on more quotes. Got one back the other day but it was way above budget.

Where they using the famous “noonan method” of calculating?

I think I’m missing out on that help to buy scheme thing by a week.

Good thing I’m so affluent or I’d be hopping mad.

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It’s the people who get it back dated are the real winners as going forward all the new house prices will just rise by a comparable amount.

It’s also very unfair on people who bought an apartment during the boom and now need to move to a bigger home. They are at at least a 10k disadvantage from the get go.

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Really the only people this will help is the people who can already afford to buy a house. The problem isn’t mortgage repayments its saving for a deposit. Really the first time buyers need the cash upfront for the deposit, not given backwards over 4 years


Have you completed it already?

They also need a house to buy as well.

Ain’t that the truth. As I said earlier what new builds would you like me to buy?

Yeah all done and dusted a couple of months ago. Moved in and all.

July 19th is incredibly arbitrary date to choose. Apparently it’s because that’s the date they announced it.
Start of a year would be standard enough. Start of a month maybe. And if it was July 1st it’s the midpoint of a year so it has some kind of symmetry. Nope, July 19th. Oh well.

Any chance you could amend the paperwork?