Budget 2'17

No, that would be wrong. Cough.

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I’m sure yourself and the seller could come to some arrangement

It’s likely based on documentation they already have. e.g. Stamp Duty.

Are you suggesting the State should throw money at reckless people who couldn’t be bothered saving for a deposit as opposed to rewarding those who have been responsible and thrifty enough to save for one ?


No I’m saying this will make absolutely no difference to the housing market and will probably just make it worse

Anyone can see that this is going to push prices through the roof. No houses to buy and families looking to move up the housing ladder from unsuitable apartments to houses. It is going to be a blood bath.

Absolutely. We’re doing something because we have to be seen to be doing something. Doesn’t matter that this measure doesn’t address the problem. It doesn’t help the people in need of assistance and doesnt help the problem in the long run. Why the fuck are we giving grants to people that can afford a deposit for a 400/600k house??? This will briefly help a very few well enough off people before the benefits pass to the builders, briefly, before the benefits pass to landowners.

It’s like they didn’t bother a shite to think it through at all, just thought up a measure and costed it and fired it up with no thought to consequences.

They could actually have a far bigger impact and save a fuck load of money by having someone write a fucking big report identifying land that is needed to be rezoned to satisfy demand for the next 20-30 years, with recommendations to local authorities attached. If acted on that would go a long way to addressing the supply issue and correcting the market and would cost fuck all.

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I’d be fully behind land rezoning. :+1:

Ah here. They still haven’t implemented the Kenny Report 40 years later.

Might be too late to use that one now?

Will the Regulator take the 20k into account when deciding on deposit required? In theory then the bank could lend you this money to be reimbursed by the state?

The bank wouldn’t be able to take it into account unless it was assigned to them somehow and what if you lost your job and thus your ability to claim the tax relief?

This would be a very different country if they’d implemented that. Way ahead of its time and out of the box

It’s only for new houses which will limit it’s impact significantly

Out of the box my hole. Simple common sense. It’s fucking unbelievable how terrible Irish govt has been for generations in many aspects.

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Plenty zoned lands around Dublin and a reasonably quick decision making process to get planning on well located unzoned lands as well

But builders still sitting on it because they claim the margin isn’t there

Serious shortage of labour pushing up costs, finance far more difficult to come by and costing multiples of what it cost a decade ago etc all eating into profits

Oh and greed, lots of developer greed

A land tax on undeveloped zoned lands would be the single biggest driver of supply into the market I’d say but would end up in supreme Court before could be introduced

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No. Still very relevant.

You are an inspiration to me

So it will have no impact on deposit rules and you will still need to save the same amount yourself as previously?

That how I’d read it. The bank might be able to take it into account in terms of your repayment ability or something