Budget 2'17

Noonan pulled out of RTÉ debate because McGrath was “very upset” about being dropped from RTE debate

Finance Minister Michael Noonan said he pulled out of a budget debate on RTE’s Prime Time because his opposite number in Fianna Fail Michael McGrath was “very upset” about being dropped from the televised debate by the station.

Mr Noonan said he supported Mr McGrath who felt he was being “punished for being responsible” by the station after it decided to choose Sinn Fein finance spokesman Pearse Doherty to take part in the debate.

Norman sounds like he’s on the way out. Very weak.

Christ above. The “opposition”

It’s genuinely mental. He wants to hand pick his debate opponent and he wants it to be someone who was the architect of the budget with him.

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Noonon Making’ a show of the good people of limerick
'politics shouldn’t be trusted

Michael Noonan is an absolute gentleman. What a remarkably classy gesture.


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Barely a house built with planning in my neck of the woods. The few that were generally involved having the stroke up for a spin round the site.

Will someone let Michael go home to bed. He is a shell of his old self

Noonan thanking the “kindness of strangers - our European colleagues and the IMF” for helping put Ireland back on a stable footing.

Noonan destroyed the shinner panellist by highlighting how good news for Ireland = bad news for the shinners
