Budget 2'17

Don’t think so pal - looks like it will be taken into account which gives people a leg up with their deposit needed:

I have discussed the proposed scheme with the Governor of the Central Bank and he has agreed that any rebate received under the scheme will be reckoned in full in the calculation of the deposit required to be eligible for a mortgage under the Central Bank’s macro-prudential rules.

Does this apply if you’re doing a self-build, as opposed to buying off some cowboy?

The first time buyer’s grant is a builder’s grant and nothing more. I assumed that was fairly clear.

We need more houses built and the builders are saying it isn’t profitable at current prices. Give first time buyers a grant, prices will rise by the amount of the grant, builders are happy with their subsidy, first time buyers think they’ve gotten something (in reality they haven’t). Everyone’s happy.


This was the cause of the row between Kelly and Noonan (aside from the fact that they are both cunts). Lots of noise that fg would be implementing it soon when this government started.

Sean Mulryan summed it up pretty well in an interview in Sundays Business Post. I’m sure there is more to it than Seans assessment but it did make alot of sense.

He stated that a large amount of land banks around Dublin have been bought up be Hedge funds and that they price they paid for it was too much but they are there for the long term so they dont care. Ballymore bid for some of these land banks but once the bidding went above a certain price they pulled out as they knew that it didnt make sense for their house building model.

The governement has allowed hedge funds to take a significant interest in the countrys property sector and this is having an impact.


I think the counter argument is that it is anti constitutional because it would impinge on ones property rights

Pile of bollox

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All the more reason to load on a land tax

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I imagine the Sunday Business Post is close to the counter argument there.

Yes the real reason

It really is something else.

Less than half the cost of a home in Dublin is the build cost.

These guys could not give a shite about people beyond being seen to do something.

There are a number of things they could do immediately to help matters.

Development fees
Planning delays
Height restrictions
Site value tax
Service zoned land

It won’t be solved because it doesn’t suit a relatively small group of people.


Michael Noonan has pulled out of a Prime Time debate with Pearse Doherty tonight.

Noonan on Sky news there here in Spain and the whole bar laughing at his “famous calculations” the man is a national disgrace

He sounded like he was about to die on Matt Cooper, snorting, choking and hocking down the phone.

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He was in great form on Drivetime. Giving Mary Wilson loads

Course you are.

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Who voted for them?

I’d say “the stroke” fahey would be flattys idea of a politician


The cigarettes tax is great news for the businessmen of South Armagh and North Louth.

He’s done a @GeoffreyBoycott on it.

how much is a package of 20 fags at this stage?€25 ! ??