Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story šŸ

Those are UK figures for a four-week period.

The figures from the CSO in Ireland for the last 18 months show the difference that the vaccine has made. This is undeniable.


Iā€™ve substantiated and linked sources to the data Iā€™ve put forward.

Youā€™ve made up stories about unnamed people and unnamed doctors and unproven and unfounded diagnoses.

And your response to that being called it out is to ask someone to stop telling lies. How about you try and tell the truth for once?

If you disagree with the facts Iā€™ve linked then try and dispute them with an ounce of integrity, not just falling back to bullshit anecdotal stories that are a piece of fiction.

They are figures from the north for a 4 week period. A 4 week period which had 5x the number of deaths as 2020.

More or less the same hospitalisations in your chart in Sep 2021 as Sep 2020.

Six is a bigger number than 3.

Provisional figures, pal.

And per confirmed cases is another misleading stat.

Youā€™re the one who said that thereā€™s more.

Good to see that youā€™re recognising the data though and can clearly recognise how the vaccine almost eradicated deaths from COVID over the last five months.

Iā€™ve realised that the information you provided is flawed and based on confirmed cases basis.

Have you the whole numbers?

Those are the official verified figures released by the Central Statistics Office of Ireland.

Breaking Bad Aaron GIF

Thatā€™s a no then.

The whole numbers tell us deaths are 5x what they were a year ago in the north from the period 13th Sep - 10th October.

Be interesting if this information was to hand for the south.

From page two of the data report that you are quoting.


That means they are likely to increase for the more recent months.

Add some childish name-calling to the lying and you have the full set.

Apparently the provisional data produced for a one month period in the North is more trustworthy that 18 months of data produced by the CSO.

Childish name calling. Youā€™re the one who resorted to that, pal.

Iā€™m actually the one who substantiated my view with links and sources, you decided to go down the makey up story route when you got exposed.

Apparently youā€™re unable to provide detailed information. You seem to be running with data you canā€™t even interpret yourself.

Iā€™ve asked you already, those are condensed figures per confirmed case.

Iā€™ve asked you to give me the actual number of hospitalisations and deaths, you either canā€™t interpret that data or you donā€™t know. Reposting something you donā€™t understand again and again just makes you look silly.

The death rates under 80 Vs over 80 suggest the vaccine is of little benefit to the elderly but massively reduced death in the under 80s. A departure from your stance that only the vulnerable need the vaccine. :thinking:

Do you not know how to read a table? Itā€™s not up to me to teach you how to interpret the data correctly.

This is a sad indictment of the British education system.

It doesnā€™t.

There were no deaths in the u60 category 13th Sept - 10th October last year in the north. 22 this year, despite the majority of 20+ being fully vaccinated. 0 deaths of 0-19 in that timeframe despite the majority not been vaccinated.