Camping, the Outdoors and So On

Yeah I’ll be packing sandwiches, wraps, energy bars, stuff like that. Won’t be too near any shops to be honest.

You’ll be the finest. A bit of fasting will recharge the mitochondria and give you unrale clarity of thought.

Don’t forget the big roll.

Ah so you’re “bangmybannerwife69” that I’ve been chatting with online about it


I’d to take a shit in a ditch the other day mate :+1:

Are you doing bat surveys?

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BMBW78 actually, that other lad is a fucking deviant

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This is a similar job from an Irish place

Would I need to get a few gas cartridges with it?

A real man would just bring a knife and some string and no more about it

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You wouldn’t last two minutes in the wilderness mate.

*Cue some anecdote from you about eating gone off beans in your FCA days

Looks as if that one includes a cartridge but a few extra would do no harm.

A bonus for me is that having only electric cooking at home if there’s ever a power outage gives you basic cooking.

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I am the wilderness.

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Nice one. I’ve a few head torches. A basic enough Petzl one that does about 100 lumens and a big fuck off job that does 1000 lumens

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I would prioritise a tent and better quality sleep over one of those yokes really, but you’re call. Maybe your car is big enough to lie down in or you sleep very easily. Bring a few pizzas or something like that that are grand to eat cold. Bring more water than you think you’ll need.

I won’t get more than a 90-120 minute sleep window over the weekend. I might get 4 or 5 of these

I’d bring a shotgun as well if I were you. There are rakes of dangerous bastards mooching about at night, you might also, of course, be attacked by a mink or a pine marten and these are nasty buggers.
You, on the other hand, might be able to shoot a rabbit or two. Rabbit stew is a delicacy. Bring the gun anyway to be on the safe side.


I’d probably quite literally end up shooting myself in the foot.

It’s Ireland brah, not Alaska. You will never be more than 5km away from a Centra.

Just tip down to the deli.

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That’s what my original plan was but I was driving around some of the locations yesterday (Wicklow) and I passed one shop in an hour. I think I mistakenly presumed that Wicklow was just a posh Dublin suburb :joy:. It’s more to have back up options so that I’m not exclusively living off hot chicken rolls and day-old wedges.

Get a hot chicken fillet roll for now and a cold chicken or ham roll for later.

Maybe two cold rolls. Burying bodies is hungry work.

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