Career Change

The west of the country is.

I’d also like to see Rwanda/Uganda, specifically the gorillas, Mali and Mauritania. The sister holidayed in the Ethiopian Highlands one time and said it was incredible.

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Most people’s perception of Ethiopia is shaped by Band Aid.

It’s meant to be lovely.

A better chance of meeting the guerrillas I’d say

I’d say you have a fair idea at this stage.

Uganda is unreal green, like Ireland

That’s it alright.

I’d agree with the most of that but Uganda and Nigeria are different stories. Living in a compound and needing a driver to bring you anywhere you want to go outside of the compound does sound like the life of Reilly to me. Actually a friend of mine is in Uganda working for an NGO at the moment, it seems to be an absolutely amazing place.

Having your own driver sounds class.

Spent a few weeks doing a bit of work in Zambia 13 years ago and loved the place. There were Irish over there in NGOs etc who never wanted to leave.

I’ve a friend who since 2007 has been on and off in the Gambia (albeit a very different part of Africa). His Mrs is a pediatrician and they came back and moved to Edinburgh I’m guessing around 2009 and spent a good while there as he went back to college and started a family. Then I’d say about 4/5 years ago they went back to Gambia with the kids. Think they came back late last year/early this year to Edinburgh where they’ll stay I’d say until the kids are finished school and I could imagine them out the gap again to Gambia

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I had it in India for a while as we weren’t allowed drive. Very relaxing to have 2 hours a day back and get shit done on a commute

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Naughty Nuaghty, VERY Naughty


Gawking out the window more like

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I was asked to go Nigeria on a work assignment in 2004. If never happenened in the end as I was handing in my notice around that time… But for the fella that went instead of me it was a restricted existence for the 3 month stint. Company policy was strict around staying with compound etc etc with a few harmless beers here and there off the beaten track. Now the same fella would always do what he was told anyway but he didn’t enjoy it.

Lesson… How restricted will your movements be from a company perspective?

But if you’re in your 20s, go to fuck. This country will get a belt of covid debt in the next few years I reckon and quality of life may suffer.

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that was relaxing too - although it took about 2 or 3 days to not be terrified in the back of the car as me man just randomly picked lanes or missed people walking by an inch.

So long as he’s on a desk job in the compound he should be fine.

The Boko boys might get a little suspicious of recent joinee ‘Batigolu’, sitting in the corner of the tent sweating profusely through his Limerick goalie jersey with “FUCK TIPP” stamped on the side of his AK47.


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Ah it’s brilliant craic. I was in Hyderabad one time. We had three cars driving back to the airport one Thursday night. Monsoon season, pissing rain and getting dark. Three lane highway. Next thing the driver swerves to avoid a dead cow in the middle lane, four legs up in the air and surrounded by broken glass. No one in the car said a word. Then when we got to the airport all anyone could say was “did you see the fucking cow, did you see the fucking cow?”


I know a few lads who did stints in Africa. Opportunity to go and see some amazing things. Uganda looks great from the Instagram shots anyway.

Jamaica is another ball game. I know a lad who had to work over there for a while. Said you’d see some sights