Career Change

Yeah but Geneva is one of the most expensive places in the world to live. You couldn’t spend your normal salary in Nigeria if you tried, let alone the allowance. You’d come home with a lot more after two years in Nigeria than you would from two years in Geneva or new York or London. If that was your aim.

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you wouldnt spend the allowance in geneva. the lads go over the border to do the shopping in france and between the living abroad allowance and the rent allowance, youd save a decent chunk of change unless you were deciding to live the high life

Oh they’re “the lads” now are they?


Just to update the forum. I was actually warming to the idea. Nigeria, and west Africa in general, is a place people tend not to visit in their lives. I thought it would be a cool experience. I’m 33 now and time is running out to do stuff like this.

The missus, however, brought up some compelling, pragmatic arguments (what would she do, is it safe, will she be sold into international sex slavery etc) so the idea has, unfortunately, been shelved.

She’s given 12 months moaning about work and how she’d love to just spend her days sitting by the pool in the sun yet, when it’s offered to her, she turns it down. Women eh?


Cheers, I somewhat know a lot of them already so it should be straightforward enough

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Cheers pal :+1:

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give her the road ffs, live your life


Also, well done @Fran

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The allowance is also factored by its status as a ‘hardship’ posting isnt it? So your allowances for those places are even higher. You’d never touch your salary and get paid even more cash while the local boys can show what proper Guinness from the local brewery tastes like.

Was she for or against this bit?

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@Batigol pounds it at the gym a lot so I’d say it’s safe to say he’s not getting laid much. I’d say shes against.

You’re not wrong. The uncle worked in Nigeria in the 60s and 70s and left with an enduring love of the place which he took to the grave. I’d a pal who was in the diplomatic corps and was stationed in Uganda for a while - different country but equally unstable - and loved the life. You’d be in very little danger as an Irish diplomat out there and you’d have the life of Reilly.
I was due to go out to work with a pal of mine in Zambia last year but the pandemic put paid to that. Who knows if the chance will come back around. I always wanted to see the interior of Africa but I may never now. Take these chances when they come up would be my advice.


I had a colleague who was there for a few years and used Nigeria as a base to see places that he would never have seen otherwise ie Africa.


That was one of the things that has drawn me to it. A lot of people write off places like Nigeria before even considering them. There must be loads to see there. It’s a nation of 200 million people. It’d also open up travel to a heap of other places in Africa that I’d love to visit (THINK of the instagram likes)


You’re only a kid FFS. You must be itching for the mortgage and two day wedding.


hes not dead yet juhy you mad bastard

and a house with an island

This wan has a right cunt made of @Batigol . Only one way out of this I’m afraid.

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