Career Change

Doesn’t get the summers off what, exactly?



Quaffing around embassies

Tell me about a problem you solved or how you managed a difficult situation.

@chocolatemice was spamming like a cunt in the Limerick group so I kicked him out.

A cracker.

Mar '13

[quote=“KIB man, post: 494164, member: 208”]have a rake of anecdotes learned off in your head -

here is one I have used many times, other ones in relation to hard work- spent my summers as a student working in construction - learned the value of a good work ethic

Q - when have you been able to personally resolve an issue with a customer etc etc (there has always been a question of this type thrown in)

A - I like to tell a story of back when I was a student - i used work during all the holiday seasons for spending money, ah sure ya know yourself bit of money for the rest of the year hahaha. Anyway one Xmas, I got a job with Dunnes and was on my way into my shift when on the corridoor on the way in I saw this person in serious distress at the phone credit machine. it was one of those machines that you put your money in and it dispensed the credit slip. anyway he was creating quite a scene as it was the main hallway into the shopping centre at our busiest time of year. I kind of felt I had to go up to him and see what the matter was. Eventually after some persuasion I got him to calm down and sit on the bench next to the machine. he explained that he had put 50 euros into the machine and nothing had come out. He really needed that fifty euros. Anyway I signalled to another staff member to get him a cup of tea and got our head office to ring the machin distributor crowd. We put him on the phone to them and they ensured him that they would have someone there today and if there was fifty euros jammed in the machine it would be returned to him. he seemed happy enough with that and headed away. The manager on duty at the time commended me for my action and i actually received the employee of the month award. I guess the key was seperating the person from the problem. People are decent at the end of the day and we all can get a bit stressed from time to time.

I dropped this story in London a few years back to silence for a few seconds. I thought I was fucked - anyway the snot nosed cunt at the other end of the table goes yeah I used work in Retail myself we used see these kinds of incidents regularly. they lapped it up :lol:

Interviews are a pile of bollocks that justify ridiculous salaries from the most disposable part of any organisation - HR. I liked my one here in Aus - a coffee with two of the senior lads and they asked me when i could start after about five minutes. No bullshitting around.[/quote]

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That @KIB_man was a woeful spoofer. Take this to the TNH section.

I’d actually really enjoy that. Mad for a stint abroad. Sick of Ireland at the moment

Diplomats are just cover for spies. This lad is like James Bond, except on 35k a year and driving a Fiat Uno


A real spy. Like Gary Oldman’s character in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy… a John le Carre classic.

I’d love that. Stitching up some Johnny Foreigner like a kipper.

Ronald Dahl was a pilot, then a spy before becoming a writer

You’d have to say as a covert operative that sounds more effective than tipping about in an Aston Martin and swanning around hotels where the receptionists always seems to know your name.


That was so cute

2.1 confirmed on my Masters course. Delighted :partying_face:


Ah lovely stuff old friend, well done, well earned. Good man.

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I started a new job monday … WFH and nothing works. I’ve spent the week logging tickets with IT, who are based in Lux. It’s some cod.


fair play man
I’m officially half way thru mine
we go again on 18 January


Is it that job?

No…a third one :joy:.

The ‘dream’ one fobbed me off with some laughable bullshit. The public sector is a complete joke in Ireland.

Not the one I was chatting to you about?