Career Change

The very man. I met him the night before he was heading to south America in a pub in sydney. Think he’d given himself 3 months to backpack from Chile to Brazil before heading home.

Mad cunt instead ended up with a hostel and nightclub in medillin, colombia for a decade! Very successful by all accounts too

Let’s hope the Library survives without @fran .


I stayed there. Think I played a few games of pool against him. Definitely a successful operation but like you said, even though he’s earning good money there it’s not much use to him if he wants to move home.

I think 50% of all people that go backpacking at some stage say they want to open a hostel in whatever place they liked. He actually did it and made a success of it. Fair play.

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He’s bang on. A man who was always keen to take a risk.

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You something else lined up?


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the midlife crisis starts only a couple of days after your 40th :smiley:

congrat bud, are you walking straight back into something new or are you taking a breather?

Best of luck in whatever is next @Fran.

Are you getting a job as a professional biscuit taster?


For @Juhniallio

There’d be a difference in heading off “to find yourself” and heading off to a compound in Africa on a contract though.

You can see how it happens with the backpackers who have no firm end date planned alright. You could be sat around a table outside a hostel putting away Quilmes and Marlboros to bate the band and the next morning you could be managing the place.

Yeah and a lot of the backpacking sort do it and still get back in their mid 20s. Bit different sauntering back and you closer to 40

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Would you not go for one of the other ones? Moscow\ankara/New Delhi/Beijing or even London. They’re all on rotation aren’t they? I’d say London is due up soon…

And then the cunts come back to Ireland and start barbecuing in the rain. :grimacing:


What’s your address, I send on the friendship bracelet I’ve made for you?


No. Only Abuja available at the moment

Will you be qualified to root through passengers’ bags in all those places?

You’ve not lived till you’ve found a dead rat in a Chinese lad’s bag

Do you not apply to go on a panel and pick you as it comes up? Or is it a sudden vacancy and they’re head hunting a young singleish type like yourself to go there asap and take the shite. Go, take the cash, sell a few visas out the back door for 10 grand each. Bish Bash Bosh, you’re sending the Minigols to Kings Hospital in a few years.


They advertised the full rotation a few months ago but I have a condition and it flared up just as I was due to have an interview.

They’re having trouble filling the Abuja post so have readvertised it.

Nothing wrong with expanding your mind. I’d say go for it.

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