Career Change

Clever woman there, a keeper.

She didn’t want to miss out on the Hurling Championship I guess?


We have a dream of sitting 50 seats apart along with 98 other people in Croker for a “test event” in August


Well Lagoes that one. Why the Sudan change?

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Quelle surprise

I’m not sure he really wanted togo

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Could have both gone out and if she didnt like, could Senegal home by herself and stick out the contract

kenya tell me if that’s true

He wanted book the flights and go but she refused te(m) book too.

Sounds like it was never ghana work …

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No, more @Rocko

Didn’t fancy living in a compound in one of the most dangerous countries in the world no?


A lad left in my workplace back in March for what he thought was a similar role somewhere else. I just heard today he’s making a return in July. I’ll have to start calling him Boomerang.

He had the balls to try something different at least


Ah it brings back wonderful memories. We had a great going away party for @HandsOfPiss back in the day when he emigrated to England. We’d an even better night a month later when he returned with his tail between his legs and a couple of grand lighter. My abiding memory of that night is @Rocko standing over the poor fella as he vomited into a bin in the kitchen(what a sick fuck) shouting ‘that’s what you get when you think you’re better than us’.


You’d want to be some fuppin’ egypt to move to that kip.

England isn’t that bad

He must have found it even more difficult to wipe his arse correctly with his tail between his legs.


@Batigol what’s this rotation lark? You can fuck off and work in an airport somewhere else while your job at home is safe? Sounds class. Just wait for one where there’s a lower chance of your missus being kidnapped by Boko Haram and off you go

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best of luck