Career Change

He’ll be able to keep the forum updated on the Nigerian Premier League if he does make the move. Its box office.

Tis very hard to get a result away from home.

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Hon @Fran

A fresh start like that could add a few years onto a fellas life. Set a few boundaries in the new place before shit hits fan.

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No it’s not quite like that. I’d have to give up my airport role

What do you get in return? I’m not exactly seeing the upside so far

You get an allowance for being there

What exactly was this job in Nigeria @Batigol ?

A civil service job. Working in the Irish embassy

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Would you be the lad carrying the Ferrero Roche?

What in the nameajaysus are we doing with more than one embassy in Nigeria FFS.

That said I always thought ambassador would be a great gig

Most embassy staff are spies.
He’ll be preparing dossiers for the special branch on the activities on Boko Haram.

His diligence in enforcing MHT has put him next in line for a big promotion.

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The Nigerian embassy, christ its not exactly New York is it?

His chances of winning the lottery there are surely higher if he’s a resident. I’ve won it twice without even buying a ticket



It’s the Irish embassy mate.

Thats even fucking worse!!!

the allowance wouldnt be that good for nigeria, id say between 15-20k

geneva is the gold standard posting (and expenses)

I knew a fair few of the people who did this gig in Beijing when I was there. They had some craic. And they’re only seconded to DFA so they didn’t turned full loon.

some come back having gone full fartsniffers

The Irish embassy is in Berne, not Geneva. Might be a waste of tax payers money consulate in Geneva?

ILO, WTO and UN have a mission in geneva

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