Career Change

2 (two)

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Must have been small fingers you tight cunt

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I hope you’re taking a couple of weeks off now @Fran to recharge your batteries before starting in the new place.

I’m taking 3 weeks off pal, I’ll be ready to take on the world then


Now you’re talking pal.

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Out of interest… What was the new company’s position on WFH going forward?

It’s flexible enough I think, we’ll see how it goes. A bit of travelling involved


That snake oil isn’t going to sell itself…


Fair play @Fran

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I moved to Cambodia 7 years ago this week. I was initially just taking a career break for a year (I was a teacher in Ireland) to volunteer. I earned a stipend of €200 a month and lived in a very basic one bed room. It was the happiest year of my life.

Cambodia does have its challenges. Most people who move here only stay for about a year and many do not like it. The infrastructure is terrible, there is no effective healthcare, the education system is one of the weakest in the world, state pensions and social protection are non existent. Cambodia does not suit people with a low frustration tolerance or who want certainty. So many foreigners have left arising from COVID. For me, being so far away from Ireland also has its disadvantages and there is a greater distance in perspectives too the longer I am away.

I do love living here though. By far and away the best aspect is the people . Welcoming, courteous, caring and a great thirst for education when available. This is all despite (or perhaps because of) being downtrodden, having to suffer gross inequality, discrimination and poverty. The sunshine is good too and the cost of living is cheap.

Cambodia is now my home and will remain my home. It has given me purpose with a very fulfilling job and a great boyfriend. I changed career not because I did not like my old job (I taught in a great school in Ireland) but because I was yearning for something a bit more from life. Perhaps there is a ''want in me" but it was the best decision I ever made.


You’re one of the good guys Ray, happiness comes in all shapes and forms. Sometimes in life when you make a big decision it can be questioned due to it being outside the norm. But you only get one life and one shot at it, best to make the most of it. :+1:


Delighted for you mate. I always knew one of your family had to turn out well.


That’s a great thing to read. Fwiw, it brings a bit of light to a gloomy world.
How did and do you find the heat?


Lovely sentiment.
Here’s @Locke and @RaymondCrotty going at it in the White House. Really really want to see this musical.


That’s me rapping in french

Brilliant stuff @RaymondCrotty

Your work is truly making a difference in this world. I’d imagine there are moments where you might feel like you’re pissing against the wind, but the work you and your organisation do is critical. And you’re happy and have found love - not everybody can say that.


Very sad that lads have to move all the way to Cambodia to get on the property ladder. This is fine gaels legacy


What sort of discrimination exists in Cambodia out of curiosity?

Are there different religious sects with one being on top compared to the other? Are the govt a crowd of shits?

You have more courage and decency in your small toenail than I could muster up in a lifetime. You’re a role model and you dont even know it

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I like the weather most of the year. From April to June it’s uncomfortably hot and very hard to do any sort of exercise. Have gotten used to it though. Generally I like the weather here and and I find it good for the head.

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