Career Change

It’s not signed over to me. My father has something figured out with the accountant and solicitor. I’m staying out of it unless I’m asked!

It’s a small farm btw. It’s been valued at 150k. The father thinks it might be worth a little more. They then plan to sell the home which comes with another acre.

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Congrats mate.

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The International Business Trip thread is the most highly regarded thread on this forum.


Your Dad sounds like a very sensible fella. Great move.

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Will you keep a site? I’d advise it, if you can.


And client delight!

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It doesn’t come close to the Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Eaisly the busiest role I’ve ever had but the job security and the standard 40 hours a week is a gem when you’ve young kids.


Nope. Selling up entirely. There were two potential sites if either my sister or myself were ever going to build but neither of us will. My parents plan to buy a house closer to the village or maybe even in Limerick (around Annacotty). The auld lad is 77 next month, the auld wan is 70 next summer. He’s looking down the line at a time when he’s not around and she’s stuck up the hills on her own in that house.


They’re off to Gran Canaria next week for two weeks. He’s not breaking the news to his younger brother til he gets back as he needs him to check the bullocks while he’s away :joy: the uncle can be a bit of a hothead


If you could keep one, even if you have no intention of ever using it, it gives you a good hedge, so to speak, for a build anywhere down the line.

Your folks seem very progressive. Fair play to them.

If you use more lube your reproductive organs will whirr too and not clank.


We won’t be. The father was given it as land to farm and will sell it as land to farm. He’d see it as disrespectful to his late father and to our neighbours to do anything else.

Once it’s out of his hands, then anything could happen with it, but not on his watch.

I’ve no interest in ever building a house. My father laid every single block in ours.


My father - for a rural, relatively coservative, Catholic auld lad - is way more progressive than he would ever give himself credit for. He absolutely abhors racism, sexism or homophobia. And greed.

I remember during the early days of the repeal the 8th campaigning, he said to me he was voting to repeal. “Sure what business have in telling young women what they can or cannot do with their bodies?”, he said to me on the way to a match. He believes in hard work and treating everyone fairly.


To be fair, you didn’t lick it off the stones.


If I’m half the man he is, I’ll be doing something right.


A great philosophy for life.


Different for me I suppose. I bought a farm specifically as I wanted a site. I gave my sister a site on it, and she’s just after getting planning. Couldn’t next nor near afford it now, it’s 250k for a half acre site up there now. I also figured at the time it’d be a good hedge against housing and land prices going ballistic again, which they have, and it was.
I didn’t realize you had your own place.
Your father sounds like a gent. You didn’t fall far from the tree.