Career Change

I don’t. But will be getting that sorted in 2022 hopefully.

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An absolute one. Tough fucker too.

And a farm

We could be battling out for prime North Tipp real estate in 2022 :eyes:

Want to buy the parent’s place?:joy:

Ah I’ll be buying up here in the North East anyway

Very interesting points.

Only in more recent years have I appreciated how good Elton John was in the 1970s. How mawkish he was in the 1980s coloured how I saw him for ages.

I can see Bruce Springsteen is good and occasionally very good – but I think he is well overrated, which is a massive bone of contention with quite a few friends…

Good wishes for your recuperation.


People who say they have a good work ethic usually aren’t particularly skilled at what they do and have to work very hard at it to achieve.

Id much rather hire someone who works smart

I’ve had this issue personally lately. Had an employee who put in serious hours, often stayed till 8 even though it was unnecessary to do so. But just couldn’t get thru the work and still took way too long to get it returned even spending crap load of hours on it. New employee in now finishes at 5 on the dot and is getting more done in less time than the previous one.

Work smarter, not harder.


Thanks. Appreciated.
Bruce Springsteen’s book is worth a listen. Available free on borrowbox.

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I’d hold a site, most definitely.

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Not my decision nor my land.

Fair enough.

Not so much a career change but €40000 salary for a painter isn’t that bad

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I wouldn’t have had @Corksfinedtboy down as. Michael

No I’m just wondering what he thinks

Pretty good to be fair,you’d probably make 20k cash in nixers for yourself.


Hard to see €20k in nixers here, a man’s got to live a little. 20k in nixers is working every weekend for €400 notes. Who wants that ( the every weekend part, we can all use the 400 bit).
Think of the loot Corkie is coining….250 a day into the overalls pockets and the fucker taking 5/6 weeks break over the festive season to “chill”……Cork.


Exactly. If you really want it… there is serious cash to be made at present… But you’ve gotta pay a price and time isn’t cheap.

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I wish


You are very good at that.