Career Change

God forbid you would have to talk to real people.

Careful, your post is laced with honesty, confidence and smells of success.
The micks won’t like it.


the insecure and unsuccessful lads can’t stand me, I get that, sure I used to be a right little mick myself untill I moved to a proper country and made something of myself, a right little roaster I was, unfit, bloated from drink and full of anger, like @concy and @Mac


There was me thinking it was laced with grammar errors and bullshit. A project manager who works less than three hours a day, lives in a shithole and lives on gone off food and fish fingers :joy:


+1. People are generally awful. My pal’s coming around to the idea that something which primarily relies on analysis and report writing in isolation as opposed to directly dealing with those human yokeys all the time is the way to go.


IT Audit/Risk Management is massive at the moment. Your auditing skills gained at Anglo, combined with the technical skills you’ve gained from running the largest website in Ireland dedicated to Limerick Chippers, would make you a shoe in for such a role.

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I could do with a career change. Having a couple of pints watching the Poland Portugal match and can’t stop dreading work tomorrow.


I’m perfectly happy in my current role and not looking to move, mate. I’ve heard those areas are in demand alright. What’s driving that?

bandage, you are savage at situation management, there’s some coin in it

Does ignoring things count as good situation management, pal?


I think it depends on the situation

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Greater awareness around the requirements of data security, increase in cybercrime, the amount of data being generated and the small matter of massive fines if you are found to negligent in protecting customer data.

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Very good, pal. Plenty of potential to be vague and generic with analysis and recommendations too.


I’d be happy to provide a reference for your mate, @Bandage.

I’m sure there’d be potential to get kick backs from certain suppliers to recommend their protects and services to customers as well. Plus at the end of the day if someone wants to hack you and they have the resources then they will hack you. It won’t be anyones fault once you’ve done your best to mitigate the risks.

you’d want your head examined to be slaving away for 70 or 80k in Ireland in that mickey mouse currency

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Jesus wept, you didn’t mention ‘big data’ once there. Are you trying to stitch bandage up?

glamping in a slatted shed… now there’s a business idea.


I often thought pubs should have a slatted floor.

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