Career Change

its all about taking a chance in life @Bandage, your mate just may need a bit of liatroidi to make the change. i took a chance lately going from a permanent job to contract, hopefully I’ll be kept on but the experience (getting into pharma) I will gain will either way open me to other/better opportunities

That’s what your mate would see as a career change? Moving into the most process driven and frustrating area of the business just as business starts to boom again? If he wants a change make a change this would sound to me to be a massively sideways step (assuming your friend is a high flying international businessman)

Has your friend had a v bad experience in work or something. Id hate to use the words “bottling it” but…

There should be some interesting work in corporate finance/PE type area in Dublin I would have thought driven by refi/repackage deals out of the vulture Funds. But if your not interested in front end of banking at the minute then maybe complete change of industry is better

I hope your job has nothing to do with labelling medicine or chemicals.


nothing like that, dont fret pal

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Nothing worse than that. Def time for a move if it impinges on enjoyment of pints and personal time.

I am having an employment change forced upon me in the next few months as company relocating somewhere I won’t live. Redundancy payment will soften the blow but the motivation to find something similar is not there at all

@Bandage if you (or your friend should I say) are serious about moving towards compliance, get into the central bank for a year in a supervisory role. You can name your price once you’ve that on the CV. A nice handy year in the public sector in the meantime.

On brutal pay. CBI on the CV is not a stand out achievement - I would say the opposite.

In the compliance game, a year as a game keeper makes you very attractive to the poachers.

Being a CB lifer is a major negative alright, but Bandage will have come from industry.

There is actually a massive IT overhaul project ongoing in a Bank that @Bandage friend would be very familiar with. Lot of opportunity to get involved in that project either internally or with the PM consultants id say. Spoke to a guy about it recently who is involved, not my cup of tea but need experienced non IT “end users” to do systems testing and process mapping for new systems

I’m not sure @Bandage friend has really investigated this all that well outside of seeking some guidance on here

I’d agree with this. The primary unspoken advantage is your network of contacts within the CBI after you leave which would be useful for any company who has ongoing dealings with them

Knowing the CB mindset, and as you say having the ability to take an old colleague out for a pint and ask what are ye looking at, at the moment is invaluable to a financial services firm

I’d like my job hiring some cunt and he fucking off after a year.

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If you are not working towards your dream you are working for someone else’s.

Seriously though, chaps. Anyone got good recent recruiter feedback? My mate heard FK International are decent and someone mentioned Morgan McKinley. I thought CVs were a thing of the past and it was all about throwing up some bullshit about yourself on LinkedIn but he tells me a good CV is required.

Recruiters are leeches, what the fuck would you want one for?


I’m told that contacting places directly is a waste of time and most still outsource to these recruiters types / creeps. Is this incorrect?

Would you not just apply for advertised jobs?
Sending CV’s randomly doesn’t work at all from my experience.

Recruiters aren’t allowed get involved in the process for a lot of jobs and so would steer you away from those. They also advertise a load of jobs way after they are gone so that they can get talking to you and get your CV on file. Absolute scum the lot of them.

All recruiters are the same mate. Good CV vital. And tailored to each specific job you are interested in.

Recruiters are the ultimate spoofers, like used car salesmen except they are wheeling and dealing with peoples careers.


Use your friends vast network of contacts to arrange coffees.

Any clients you worked with that you would have a particular good relationship with? Would you either consider working for them or asking them for advice or contacts?

People want to help people