Career Change

Doing this shite you’d need e40 k

Never happen, I’m on day worke110

That’s a lovely job you’ve done there :clap:
But What were your clients thinking painting a teak stairs :tired_face:


Would you not go working for the likes of Michael crowley , I don’t know him personally but know of him, he’s a decent enough lad by all accounts

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Na I’m too old for site work and if I’m reading between the lines he will offer that as a self employed man( sort your own tax)
Was offered similar last month but the hasssle of going through all the hoops and hassles of self employment again for me is a no no, I start at 7 mostly and gone by 1.30 ( no lunch as I work through it) suits me tbh- quiet times come aswell but that’s life


It’s oak which is worse ( solid- fucking nightmare)
4/5 coats plus sanding


That’s a different gaff, one I’m on now is like a forest :deciduous_tree: beautiful solid oak everywhere and they want it white?:roll_eyes:I dunno

I’d say there are plenty painters who could paint them oak stairs full time and nothing else. 6 houses in this estate all have had it done

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Easy tbh , that’s a small one , the present one is ball numbing but sure it’s bobs
Patience and Spotify plus Barrys tea makes it easy

An insightful post into the dullness of your life


:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::clap:hadn’t a holiday in years, live quietly, never earned e250 in a day , max e135 , and those days long gone


Honestly you’d be sectioned doing that full time, in a team of 3/4 piece of piss on your Todd na, did 4 last year and swore never again, bloody sore on the knees

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This is in Midleton, whole estate has all oak - lovely

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You have it sussed Corkie. Happy enough with your lot, tipping away and not getting overly stressed. The pressures some lads here are under is incredible, tormenting themselves about the oddest things. Health is wealth…
Fan slán a chara.


Ah here. Painting solid oak. :grimacing::grimacing:

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Yiu got Boxty - I’m too old for stressing, no booze no bird - had too much of both years back , feckin monk for years


Know —— madness

Not at all , But I can show or advise anyone thinking of doing it

Your need to comment on it says as much about yours my friend


You’d make a great vegan. Even for a three day week.