Career Change

Hold up a sec pal, will you lose the option of the Saturday night 2am emergency call with the fallout from this?


Look after yourself is only priority . Only suggestion I would have is pick up the phone and explain, as awkward as that might be. You will never know whats around the corner or who you might meet again

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I’ll never be in a position to do it but that’s exactly what I’d do that f a potential employee came to me with that, I’d tell him to take whatever he was offered

It’s not a problem if another offer exists but risky business if not.

As a boss, you don’t want to feel like you’re being held to ransom. If an employee comes looking for a payrise and thinks they’re worth X, that’s not unreasonable. To go and say you have an offer of X from another company and can they match it is a shift in the mind games. It comes across as a threat.

I’d always tell the young ones to come and ask for more money if they thought their performance warranted It.

It’s not show friends it’s show bidniz

Most they can do is hold you to your notice which is probably only a month within your six month probationary period and they won’t do that I’d guess

Be polite as people move companies so you could end up working for a lad and don’t want to have told him to go fuck himself. Be professional and nobody will mind at all.

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Best break it to her over a light supper …

I’m thinking of a career change. Any ideas lads?

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From…… to……?

Runner for a big gambler to I don’t know what tbh.

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Based on a previous set of lies you should be doing your exams in UL soon.


Long time since I was in college

Go easy, he’s very rattled. No one mentioned anything about being a runner or a big gambler today.

You went back to college 2 years ago actually.

The Dooley account will be getting a run out again soon…

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He also said I completely made up the threats to doxx me and yet we have a post of him admitting it two years back. He’s confused from all the lies.


DAA are looking for lads to fix the airport queues


youre a bad man bati

I’ll be passing through next Friday.