Career Change

Would you ever go back to the stable boy business? You seemed to love that, you were gutted when you were laid off that time?

He enjoyed being a runner for Hourigan also but life comes at you fast.

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:call_me_hand: Well played.

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Thanks boss.

Get a job as an operator in a factory. Mond numbing but well paid. No responsibility either

Define well paid. Worked shift in a factory myself around 20 years ago and while it was great money at that stage in life I wouldnt be living it up on it now. Good craic with the lads you worked with but by jaysus the days used to drag. Serious clock watching.

The worst existence ever in my own opinion but each to their own.

That said when your a desk jockey in a boring job there is always the INTERNET to keep you distracted.


Jaysus, me too, I couldn’t do a boring job now.
Having a career where you actually help people is a great way to sleep well at night, it was the best thing I ever did, never too late


No way could I sit at a desk. I absolutely love what I do. Im one of the few people who wake up of a Monday morning and actually look forward to the week.
Its true what they say. If you enjoy your job, you’ll never work a day in your life


That’s the key to it isn’t it. Just being happy at what you do. One man’s hell is another man’s heaven.




Out of pure curiosity what does this gif mean :joy:

Clock watching, taking up smoking are 2 grest examples. These days with automation its sit next to a machine and discussing hurling on the Internet. The trick is look busybwgen the shirts are walking about. A nap on nights is well deserved


I’m completely lost I’m afraid

Doing nothing all day, contributing nothing to society, a pure parasite. Each to their own I suppose.

Register on and het a handy civil service number while you make up your mind


Is the DAA public sector?

I think I’ll stick with being a runner for a big gambler for the moment tbh.

No semi state.

I wouldn’t work for the DAA tbh. They seem like cunts. Every time I go through security the staff are giving out about rosters, breaks holidays etc

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