Career Change

You’d be far too busy as a civil servant to nip out and make a bet

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Whats the unprovoked attack for? Are you looking to join the russian army or something?

Can you read by the glow of your halo?


You need to relax a bit, you’re very exercised by me :man_shrugging: Comes across a bit weird, put me on ignore, would be good for you.
Don’t continue reading…

I did a few different jobs since leaving college in the mid 90s, mixture of retail and spent a bit of time in the trades.
Money was good enough but I was never content, often I was even a little embarrassed telling people what I did (that’s on me, please don’t anybody take offence), almost absolutely anybody could have done the same job as me, I wasn’t making any difference to anyone.
Teaching was always my dream to be honest, but I was in my mid 30s before I bit the bullet, had no earnings for a few years, luckily our kids were all small then and I was useful around the house,
Now I do a job that I’m proud to do, and I don’t mind saying that here, good days and bad days of course.
But I sleep well and I’m proud of myself for making that change, this is the career change thread.

I post about all sorts of things, don’t be worrying yourself about me at all


Did you need the Gaelige?

How did you find going back to that after a long spell away?

Ya, I had to do my leaving cert in Irish as a 34 year old.
Had a B3 in pass, think o got a B1 in honours. Leaving cert Irish is very easy
‘‘Twas grand really, I was young at heart

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Right - fair play.

Don’t be like that. Shur you can’t expect everyone to take you seriously when you big yourself up like that?

Only ould lads like @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr and @Fagan_ODowd would understand that.

Oi !!


I made a typical career change for someone in the media game in 2011 and went in the direction of marketing.

It never really felt like a good fit, it just seems to be either a department to blame falling sales on or a competition for who can bullshit their CEO the most.

Decided to take a poke around all the remote job possibilities in the last few months and am moving back into the writing (non-media) game next week. Feels like a nice, if sonewhat prolonged, realisation that I should never have left it in the first place.


good on you

its quite brave to leave a job


As a matter of interest, do you need honours LC Irish?

C3 in LC Higher Level Irish as far as I know.

I believe in you.

Early retirement is my next step


The cogs of industry @mike.

Best of luck mate. Post up your first few pieces there and TFK will rip them apart line by line. Be a good way to get up to speed

You need a full stop there buddy.


What a writer!