Career Change

Yes, I was told that years ago, so hesitant about it all. A romantic fanciful idea perhaps.

That’s good to know, and how bad, ending up in West Clare. I could think of worse places to be!

If I could afford to take 4 years off, I’d do a carPINter trade!

What’s this now? Any link by chance?

SNA Special Needs Assistant

In East Belfast. A bit of GAA and Irish :slight_smile:

You are plenty young enough if motivated enough. Languages are very desirable and you would walk into a job anywhere with Irish. Be warned, that unless you are teaching top classes in Irish, it can be a very difficult job.

Why not do some subbing this year. Schools cannot get an Irish teacher for love no money and are happy to take anyone with Irish in their degree.

Check out, to see what demand is for in your subjects and possibly apply for some Irish jobs.

If you need any help, just PM me.


ok I have you. I will have a look. I’ll ask around as well.

I think it’s easier to acquire a job in primary teaching if you’d consider that? You’d get to teach a mix of all those subjects to a more timid audience.

Thanks. I am based abroad at the moment, so, just looking into the options really. My Irish was good, I presented a few radio shows as Gaeilge, but could do with a refresher, so maybe I should look at that to begin with, and get that back up to scratch?
I don’t hate my current scenario, but thinking ahead.

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Whatever about teenagers, smallies would be really tough?

Irish is way to go. Get qualified but no harm applying for a few Irish jobs at present. Strike while iron is hot.

More innocent but I’d imagine teaching the younger classes in Primary School would require huge patience. You sound to have a very decent level of Irish anyway which is a positive for secondary. It’s a hugely in demand subject given its compulsory nature.

Teaching the younger ones is not as tough as you think it is, I would have had the same thought when I went back in 2019 to do it. But they absolutely hang on your every word. Had 2nd class last year and have 2nd again this year, and it’s absolutely fantastic.

You probably have an advantage in being abroad, as you would be able to do a lot of online learning, through courses like Hibernia. Granted, it is expensive, and I was in the same boat, saving for a house, family at home, but it is manageable.


He’ll just be dealing with them when they’re ‘grown up’ then.

I remember there was guy who drove a digger in Irish cement. John the gut. Roasters there used to say “jaysus he’s a great man with a back actor”. Never saw him outside the cab.


Funny how lots of people say that this time of year?
And at Christmas.
And at Easter.


Thanks… I mixed SNA and S&C up and came out with the new kev lead teaching position of S&A


There’s days like this when you wish @Rocko would do the right thing so we could have @Nembo_Kid back…


I think the chance passed me by around 10 years ago, the more I think of it. I went back to UL to do THE WORST MA ever. Useless. Didn’t stand to me at all. If I went back now, I’d be 10k less in a salary coming out of it, would have to work 2 jobs to have some decent kind of a wage, and would be hitting 50. I could see a mental breakdown setting in.
But I will top up my Irish first!!