Career Change

SUVs the biggest selling cars in ireland and people upset about the cost of filling it


You couldn’t make it up.

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I went in to borrow 10k for a car and he wanted to give me 25. Like you, I politely decclined

4.35 for a cappuccino is not much different to what a day’s electricity is.


They were awful fucking eejits. What they did lend me they lent me on a tracker which bankrupted them.


He moving to a circus gig?

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Planks did the same with me with the house here. Ive been giving them a few bob extra each month since I got the house.

Spot on. I was looking at going electric. The second hand car I have is worth more or less the same as what I paid for it four years ago so there’d be a few bob towards a new motor. Said to the Mrs we will hold our horses for a few years. Tip a bit into savings each month and see how we are looking then, and there might be more options on the market then. There’s only the three of us, so we only need a small car (the ID.3 had taken my fancy but I couldn’t justify the outlay on that right now).


What you say is very true. However, the people buying the asset for 40k that is worth 15k in five years put their own value on that time period, which is 5k a year.

It’s a complete waste of money. You have to run the car on top of the depreciation cost.

Sorry mate, just catching up.
Good luck in the interview process of f you decide to go through with it, I completely understand your procrastination,

Seeing by as I was oofted, what’s this based on, Ferrero have become Irelands most popular chocolate?


I didn’t say it’s right, it’s the value people put on it. It’s could be a status or perception reason.

Sounds like that. And all it took was killing a few children with poison kinder eggs

I would like to think the penny will drop and people (most people) will realise they don’t need SUVs.

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That for me is the major danger. Happened the missus in her last place, loved the job and the people, new boss came in and they basically all had to leave rather than deal with her.


I’d get in two naps a day then. The dream

It is very important to be seen to be having a good life. Regardless of whether you are actually miserable or not.


Some people just like cars too.

But if you followed that logic, why would you pay 35 quid for a steak in a restaurant that you could cook yourself for a fiver? Or pay nearly 6 euro for a pint that you could buy in an off-licence for 2 euro?

There is a big difference between purchasing a depreciating asset with finance and spending disposable cash.

I’m far from a monk financially, in my mind I eat more steaks out because we only have one nice car and I have something functional.