Career Change

What’s the blue stuff they put into Range Rovers and maybe all SUVs

Seems bonkers that that’s needed/allowed


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That’s it. Is it for emissions ?

Think so. I don’t drive a diesel though so I couldn’t be sure.

It’s to reduce NOX levels in diesel exhaust emissions. There are a lot of problematic elements added to diesels over the past number of years. DPFs and EGR valves, etc. While they reduce soot, they cause a multitude of engine issues and also do little to reduce the impact on humans. There’s a school of thought that they potentially worsen things as the PM is now made up of nanoparticles that are likely more pervasive in the human body.

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I’ll send you a dog.

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Our next car will be most likely electric. Pretty sure about that. Worse case a Hybrid.

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Herselfs Audi is a 2 litre diesel A6. It’s absolutely selfish. We shouldn’t be allowed to drive it in an urban area.
You are some man for a random leap.
Also, the xjs comes in straight six or V12 only. Mine is a straight six.
Again you’re making things up

Sure i didn’t know what car it was except for being a penis extension, i guessed it was a v something

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It’s a beautiful blue and chrome and oatmeal leather penis extension


Seriously @iron_mike
I find that fascinating, Ferrero is more popular than Cadburys in Ireland??

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Big chocolate in Ireland is akin to big tobacco in America

I never said that
I said we’d just overtaken Cadbury as the biggest (globally)

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Oh right, that’s interesting, I’m surprised cadburys was number 1.

So Ferrero (is that the name?) is the worlds largest chocolate manufacturer? Very impressive for a newish company, where are the headquarters, is it Swiss?

Mars was first anyway

I haven’t been to the US in a good few years but Cadburys was very much an also ran there, Mars were huge,
Does Ferrero have a large US market @iron_mike, if they like Hershey they’d ate anything :man_shrugging:

I don’t eat chocolate

Ferrero own Hershey afaik

Nutella the major cash cow there I’d say? I forgot that was one of yours, I don’t like it myself but kids go nuts for it (I know)