Career Change

Going ok so far.

She’s only used the vape any time we’ve met since :man_shrugging:


We’re rumbled. She’s on tfk

Any jobs going?


You any good at welding?

Any good to milk Cows?

Here, do you think a fella with as many strokes going simultaneously would be bothered with manual labour.

I need someone to mix a bit of skim for me Saturday if you’re about,I’ll throw in a ticket to the K/P match too.

Everyone wants their dream job

Ive a hape of kinder eggs in the back of the car that I need to shift. Ill split the takings with you

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Unfortunately for you, he’ll be busy for the next 3 All Irelands.

@Massey only goes to the football AI anyhow, be grand

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I’m taking out my frustrations on the dartboard along with a few cans of cider.


What was the gist of how it went

Did he know you had itchy feet?

What happened,did he just fob you off?

A load of bollox.

He had 3 points he wanted to discuss, one in particular I’m still seething about. Have discussed same with a few I’d be close enough to and they agree it’s a load of bollox.

He had a fair idea I’m not happy and that my “attitude had changed a bit in recent weeks”

Told me to not burn my bridges, Cork is a small place and he’ll be giving a reference from the perspective of the business and not a friend. I’ve got the nod from a few other people I’ve worked with for a reference so I won’t be going to my boss for it after that comment.

Asked me what my plans were if i was to leave tomorrow, told him I’d probably go travelling. I’ve no interest in going travelling while Limerick are going well :slight_smile:


Off you go but not before you send an email to HR

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my take from that is either

  1. He is a complete and utter knobstain and hasn’t a clue how to deal with people or
    B. There is a round of redundancies coming and they’ve been told to manage people out
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He sounds like a right dickhead.


@Copper_pipe all the ballsy guys on tfk will give you a reference

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