Career Change

Companies don’t give references. They give statements of work.

Of course new employers will call a referee for a “chat”.

I’ve never shat on somebody during a “chat”. Why would you. It’s very much in your interest for them to get a new job.

This lad @Copper_pipe is talking to sounds like he needs some soft skillz training.


A proper fucker… Unless copper is coming in and doing nothing at all, he can’t go throwing shade about attitude changes. He’s obviously getting shit from above about staff retention but that’s something all decent sized companies are struggling with currently - no need to be a cunt about it…

Corks a small place :rofl:… Like nothing exists outside Cork ffs. These Cork cunts are gas.


He’d have been a level above me since I started but I’ve only been reporting to him in the last 12 months or so. This is his first time to have people reporting to him…

talk to HR. What he said is unacceptable. He has no business having any reports

Isn’t that illegal?
I’m pretty sure if a candidate found out you could be in the labour court.

Sounds like @Copper_pipe was put back in his box.

@Copper_pipe has a lot of knowledge not written down and if he were to walk they wouldn’t be long picking up the phone.


Nah they call to verify that person x did in fact work for you and you are on their CV as a referee

What responsibilities they had etc

Stay factual and you’re grand.

A lad threatening a bad reference doesn’t know what he’s doing was my point.


Sure you could drop dead in the morning. The business goes on.

Even if there’s a hint of truth to the “Ireland/Cork is a small place” threat it’s a horrifically short-sighted thing to actually say. HR definitely throw out stern warnings over any allusion to back-door reference checks (even if it’s still done) and an employee like Copper would be well within their rights to make external bodies aware of that threat.

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The new whistleblower act has you covered bro.

You’re not even allowed to look at references here until after you’ve appointed. Someone got sued recently for sending a bad one. Pointless they’ve become.

You can’t send a bad one here… But youre not obliged to write anything positive… i.e read between the lines.

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He’s just a lightweight so. Probably sees you as a threat to him.

An inadequate man

Take it from me, cork is small but evrywhere has people coming and going from the same companies doing roundabouts every few years for better pay and grades. Add in you cant get people for love nor money in stem roles at the minute. It’ll cost them a hell of alot more to replace you with less experience and add in 6 to 12 months training to perform your daily tasks. His loss, he doesnt even know what youll bringto the Christmas party pool from an Armenian division 2 basketball match spread

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If an employer is nicking your staff they are unlikely to come looking for a reference anyway. Beyond verifying that the person worked there etc


Any decent manager knows how you manage a lad leaving is very important.

You want a lad leaving in the same mindframe as Divock Origi.


Apparently Divock hasn’t been going well in Milan at all. In this case his previous employer cajoled the best out of him and he seems happy to coast in his new job.
Based on his postings here I’d say Copper is a very steady and intelligent employee who’d be an asset for any MNC. There’d be no shortage of lads here in high powered roles willing to give him a reference.

I’d love to see someone like @Bandage take @Copper_pipe under his wing and get him a proper job up in Dublin.

He’s too big for Cork at this stage.