Career Change

If he played a bit of football at all we’d sort him in Crokes with a semi d in Dublin 18 and a job in a mnc in Sandyford.


That would be great but to be honest I’d prefer to see him hopping on his Luas in the mornings at Stillorgan and heading in around D2.

Realistically @Copper_pipe should be running the country.

All well and good until Mark Tighe has his exclusive in the Sunday paper.

“Taoiseach linked to illegal IPTV operation and Romanian mafia”


That cunt will or possibly already has blackened your name to his superiors, out out out!

What a clown, I’d definitely fire something off about the chat to HR on the way out just to fuck him over

He sounds like an amateur. Suggest a management training course for him as part of your exit interview.

I’m actively looking for a new gig now.

We’ll see what an attitude is once I’ve my notice handed in :kissing:


Best of luck pal

Rookie mistake alright, he’ll learn from it.

One lad who added me as a reference gave me a heads up his new company would be in touch. Just a pro-forma word doc to fill out where you endorse what they did. A box ticking exercise.

Same lad was used as a reference by another leaver around the same time. This involved a phonecall from a recruiter who HR had outsourced the vetting to. Basically a fishing expedition by the recruiter to get the more senior guy on his books for the future. Another box ticking exercise

@Copper_pipe my first advice is simple, make up your mind now - you want to move away from that role…noone who truly valued your ability would spout shit like that.

My only advice is to understand wants and needs (not in any way trying to patronise). The job market is insane at the moment and getting good staff at a reasonable cost is very challenging. You need to think first off what it is you want in work / life / finances / career development and pitch for it. Otherwise you risk going too low early or ending up in a fire.

Id also advise to research where you’re off to (you all should). What is the company’s performance like with looming uncertainty? Is the career path a tunnel to nowhere?

I am constantly seeing people miss huge opportunities and pursue dead end careers. Be brave.


@Copper_pipe he was negging you. Trying to put you down.

Fuck him.

A fella moves up money way faster by moving around. Loyalty is rewarded by small pay rises here and there.

As for a reference. L O fucking L. Sure I could be your reference. And I would tell them you are a great lad.

You could put Bang down as one, might be an awkward conversation explaining why they can’t have his name or his phone number, but he would be back on the email in a jiffy

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make an appointment with hr in the morning copper, say you felt a bit threatened by the reference comment (im presuming theres been no change in your output).

say you had been considering leaving but had had a change of heart, but after this chat you have your mind made up to go and would like some assurance that he cant follow through on his threat.

you never know, if HR take the bait yerman may well find out how small cork is

This isn’t the HSE @artfoley :grinning:


I’d leave it til I had a job offer in my hand and was almost out the door. Life’s too short to waste energy on cunts like that.


fight club GIF

Exactly. In a years time when this fella is sacked copper can come back and take his job.

HR are there to protect the company, not to do the right thing. They’d be no use here.


Never go back. Ever.

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I once brought up the performance of an inexperienced manager in an exit interview and the HR rep nearly had a conniption


Try this for a change @Copper_pipe

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