Career Change

:smiley: go on ya daft bugger! Jim ? The clue is in the name

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It wouldnt be my cup of tea either unless you’re genuinely not well.

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Fuck all wrong with looking out for no.1. companies would fuck you over without a second thought - the man wants a break as he’s stressed and sick of it. Nothing wrong with taking a few weeks to reassess… And companies don’t talk like that anymore, those days are long gone.


I quit my job prior to this with nothing lined up. It was a bit messy because I had to give 3 months notice so it was very hard to interview for roles.
I fucking hated the place. It would even ruin my weekend thinking about going back in there.
It wasn’t hard or anything, the opposite, I was doing fuck all.

Quiting was the best thing I have ever done. I walked out of the room like a new man.

I took a pay cut and it took me three years probably to get back to where I was. But there is no money in the World that will pay you to be unhappy.

New job isn’t perfect, but I don’t get the fear Sunday night and I think thats as good as you can hope for really. This shit about doing something you love is a myth. Also I get to nap.


You’re only FTE at the end of the day.


It takes a very brave man to pull the plug without a back up so to speak. I have 2 kids now and not just myself to think about. Having said all that if its the case that you’re miserable and living in dread of Monday morning you are not going to be much use to anyone. I have tried to be somewhat fiscally prudent all my life. If I was to do the renegade step I would have a buffer and know that I could pay a mortgage and bills for 6 months before the well would run dry. Maybe on some subliminal level that is why I saved so if I needed an out it could be as seamless as possible. Of course you will always have inlaws or your own family who will think you are going mad. I have been that person in dread btw on more than 1 occasion and just through gritted teeth and other distractions managed to survive. If your job and professional life is shit and you cant escape immediately well then its your job to make the other parts of your life as meaningful and enjoyable as possible. Ironically when you learn not to give as much of a shit anymore that can help too.


Put yourself, your well-being and your family first. Career second. If you can’t find a balance there a change is needed.


This is true, what’s the worst that could happen? They’ll fire you and have to pay you off



What area do you work in and what are you looking for in particular? Presuming you want to stay in Cork

Just an update on where I stand with this.

I am down to the last 2 weeks of my notice period. Still flat out in there. No easing off at all and I understand that with where we are.

The break at Christmas was much needed but only solidified things that I needed a change. Absolutely hated and dreaded going back on on Tuesday, but for no other reason other than I don’t see myself there any more so it seemed pointless. I am drifting along the last few weeks now but still getting pulled into all the high level stuff.

Made a brief go at a CV and I don’t think I will properly do it until I am out the door. Even opening a laptop reminds me of work.

Plenty of HR people around have been in touch to say give them a call and others I know say they will help me or can help me when I am ready to go again.

So, sound for all the advice. I made my decision and am very happy to have done it.


Best of luck with it. It’s time to go by the sounds of it. Don’t let the grass grow under your feet though.

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Still thinking of a possible career change. I had floated the teaching idea here a while back, but just looks undoable for now, so maybe a part time course might help me change lanes slightly… I don’t dislike my situation currently at all, but just thinking ahead.

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What teaching and why is it out?

Yerra, it was the logistics of it all. I am abroad etc and would have to go back full time etc, so a part time or online course might be the way to do it…

Hibernia is online…but you’ll have to do teaching practice in Ireland so there’s no way around being in Ireland if you want to teach. Unless youre on about teaching English in spain…

very happy with this decision in hindsight


Living in Stillorgan still helps.

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Yeah, I suppose it could be doable with Hibernia. I get a fright when I think ahead to 30 cheeky feckers farting away in a classroom with no notion of learning anything…
I notice with those teaching English as a foreign language, if you don’t have a really good and active social media channel with tips etc, you’re f*cked. There are a few good Irish teachers teaching English as a foreign language, with very good Instagram accounts. I barely post on that.

You need to go see a team of psychologists first before any new career :joy: