
Petrol in the diesel. That car is gone. As facts become clear, I change my stance on things. I believed that diesel was more enviro friendly, same as everyone else. Everyone now knows this is utterly untrue.
Diesel cars should be banned from all urban areas.


Lads what pressure should be in a set of 17s low profile tyres. I have them at 35 but it’s saying it low. Tyre says max pressure is 50 but that would be awful high I would have thought.

It’s 2020 mate

Fuck cars

Fuck cagers

Burning rubbish and flytipping is the future kid. Easy money

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There is a sign on the inside of the door which should tell you

Put the gauge on the spare and see what it’s at

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Spare tyres are so yesterday. Up your game

So is my motor.

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Maybe the tyre pressure sensor is goosed?

Is there a manual in the glove box? Check Tyre Pressure heading.

Somewhere between 35 and 50

You see now
This is where modern shit pisses me off. Years ago all you had to do was rock up to the garage and there was a big sign on the wall telling you what pressure was ideal for each wheel. Is it there now? Is it fuck. Someone probably got offended by it.

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Normally 37 all round

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Sounds like you need to reset tyre pressure levels on Car settings via dash or control panel on centre console car model depending.

They don’t make them like they used to.

Nissan by sound and rust I’m guessing.

A Toyota apparently. The datsuns were shocking for rust.

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