
Whatā€™s in the suitcase,his lunch?

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Whatā€™s that cunts story?

A fucking Hybrid Porsche and he making a video about it?

Good thing I didnā€™t ask was it @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy then.

Harry, sort me out a window motor machine for the landcruiser there like s good lad. Sheā€™s permanently open to the elements and the cat is delighted at the upgrade from the tractor cab.

Pm year & serial number

He has some stock of high end motors there. Pucks of those lads around the country trying to offload imported stuff.

Test drove an Hyundai Iconiq 5 yesterday. It was, iconic!


Itā€™s a cracking car.

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As long as no one else was hurt the cunt deserved it

Saw a lady driving one of these fucking things today. Out at Creamery Cross near Dunmore. Tipp reg. Seriously like what kind of a cunt would you want to be driving around in a ā‚¬325,000 euro 4 litre petrol car in the year 2022. What kind of a message do you think you are sending to society. With cunts like these going around is it any wonder Sinn Fein are going to tax the fuck out of higher earners.


Thereā€™s literally scores of them round alderley edge. The other thing is the 5litre diesel Q7. Cunts.
The gWAGon is the other staple. Saw Christine McGuinness in one yesterday (I didnā€™t recognize her, my mate told me twas here). That uucoam David Brailsford drives a 6.3 litre gwagon.

As an aside, Iā€™m convinced itā€™s a statement of ā€œIā€™ve got so much money, I donā€™t give a fcuk what the road tax isā€. Theyā€™d nearly prefer to be paying 20 grand a year just to keep it on the road.

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Thereā€™s a reckoning coming in this country. Everyone should be aware of that. Youā€™d think cunts like this would keep their heads down.

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Cunts like that will be happier with anything that makes them look more exclusive.
Take the gwagon. Itā€™s uncomfortable, expensive, noisy, impractical, cumbersome, awful to drive ,and fugly, yet itā€™s the go to car of the wag, and cunts like Brailsford because itā€™s, well, expensive.


I was in my local fishmonger. Buying. Fish. Cod. And organic salmon. From Clare island. The organic is a fiver per kg dearer than the just salmon. Iā€™d wager itā€™s the same stuff but sometimes you taste the price.

Anyway. A lady walks in. Two kids with her. Whereā€™s the closest petrol station. She asks. Not far I said. Two kilometres. That way. Through the traffic lights. Two sets.

Off she goes. I pay for my regular cod. And organic salmon. They have salted cod. I bought that once. I ordered it. The lad asked me did I know what it was. I didnā€™t. I was too shy to back out. I said I did. Youā€™ve to soak it in water. Yeah I know. I didnā€™t. A bit of a palaver. I ended up dumping it.

I leave. Put the AirPods in. Gorillaz. After the gig. Magic.

I see the lady. And the kids. Walking in direction I sent them. I figured theyā€™ve run out of fuel. I take out the AirPods and catch up. A few years ago Iā€™ve have done nothing. Age makes you nicer. Less shy.

Did you run out of petrol.

I did. A hybrid. Maybe a glitch.

Itā€™s a long walk. Iā€™ll drive you. Do you have a petrol container.


I do. For the lawnmower. A lot of lads have robots now. Wait there. Iā€™ll be back.

Got the car. Got the fuel. She bought me a box of sweets. I tell the kids theyā€™ll have a story for school anyway.

Funnel is a bit shite and as much petrol spills as goes in. But itā€™s enough to get them on the way

Off she goes. Audi Q7. I think of flatty and tfk.

Be a Good Samaritan. Iā€™m delighted with myself.


Organic salmon is a cod :slightly_smiling_face:


A poor version of a @Smark style story.


Not many can get so much meaning into a short sentence like Roy Curtis can.