Celeb Spot Near Misses Thread

[quote=“cailinlochgarman”]female… although gay manager where i worked refused to believe that he was straight…

I was inquiring as to whether the escort was a “paid” one as opposed to someone who was escorthing him.

[quote=“cailinlochgarman”]female… although gay manager where i worked refused to believe that he was straight…


Who - Stephen Spielberg
Famous for - Directing
When - Summer 2009
Where - Restuarant in Co.Clare
Who spotted him - My Brother and Sister
Wearing - wearing shirt jacket and basehall hat
Additional info - he got a doggy bag …[/quote]
That’s quality that one:thumbsup::clap:

Good point, I’ve clarified that through the introduction of rule 2b but I fear it may be written a little clumsy like coursing’s equivalent of a Rule 4. You might take the time to recommend a tighter wording if you get a chanec.

[quote=“THE LINK WALSH”]Neither of you fellas are new members,only new members can post celeb theyve spotted in Previous Years according to the rules posted up by Rocko.

Not a near miss Fran

Not a near miss Runt[/quote]

You haven’t read the first post properly.

I’ll have a look. Need to keep the first post here as the first post of the thread but I’ll see what I can do.

[quote=“cailinlochgarman”]female… although gay manager where i worked refused to believe that he was straight…


Who - Stephen Spielberg
Famous for - Directing
When - Summer 2009
Where - Restuarant in Co.Clare
Who spotted him - My Brother and Sister
Wearing - wearing shirt jacket and basehall hat
Additional info - he got a doggy bag …[/quote]

Thats a near miss:thumbsup:

sorry not awake…
as far as they implied a paid escort hence been an escort as wouldnt be paid otherwise

:clap: :thumbsup:

I’ll get cracking so

[quote=“Rocko”]Good point, I’ve clarified that through the introduction of rule 2b but I fear it may be written a little clumsy like coursing’s equivalent of a Rule 4. You might take the time to recommend a tighter wording if you get a chanec.

I’ll be in chambers later and will see what we can come up with.

[quote=“Juhniallio”]-Mark Bosnich.
-Sitting outside a Thai restaurant on Coogee Bay Road in south Sydney.
-New Year’s Eve
-Eating a sneaky thai meal.
-Buzzing off a mate on the blower who had asked if he was on the beach yet., saying ‘well I can see the beach’.
-Spotted by my mate. I passed the spot about 2-3 hours later.

The restaurant is the first Thai on the left if you’re coming up from the beach.
They do an excellent prawn red curry.[/quote]

Near miss


[quote=“Locke”]:clap: :thumbsup:

I’ll get cracking so[/quote]

Welcome to the wonderful world of adjudication,hop on board there and ill show you the ropes:thumbsup:

[quote=“Thrawneen”]Who - Ben Unwin
Famous for - Playing Jesse in Home and Away
When - January 2005
Where - Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia
Who spotted him - Me
Wearing - Standard Aussie beachwear
Additional info - Spot past its sell-by-date probably but it’s a H&A spot and should, I feel, be exempt.


Near miss


[quote=“The Runt”]Who - Sam Atwell
Famous for - Playing Kane in Home and Away
When - March 2005
Where - Queens Park, Sydney, Australia
Who spotted him - Me
Wearing - Standard Aussie 20 something get up, Boardies, tongs, trucker cap
Additional info - Was in the company of two women. I felt an urge to warn them about his nefarious deeds in the past but felt it best to let the situation lie.[/quote]

I had to think about this one. Yes, seeing Kane so long ago is a miss and what you had to deliberate over is a valid point but you didn’t feel the urge to ask about his unusually small mouth? A near miss but try and keep standards high here ladies and gentlemen


[quote=“cailinlochgarman”]Who - Mario Lopez
Famous for - Playing AC Slater in Saved by the Bell & was stay of Chorus Line on Broadway Summer 2009
When - June/July 2008
Where - Playwrights Bar 49th street between 7th ave & Broadway, NY
Who spotted him - Me
Wearing - wearing white tshirt and jeans/black pants always accompanied by old guy with white beard manager i think and different lady on both occasions
Additional info - arrived into the bar post show a a few different nights that we were there drinking… the barman informed us he always had a escort on his arm… stayed for a few drinks and left early enough… he did on one occasion stop for a photo with a group of us when asked but quickly exited once photo was taken[/quote]

A pic would be nice CLG. Verification will follow if one is provided. I like the detail in the story though :clap:

[quote=“gola”]Who - Anneka Rice
Famous for - Her arse and running around jumping out of helipcopters in some BBC show years ago
When - May/June 1989
Who spotted her - a young me
Additional info - Ms Rice came to our primary school for some reason to see a garden that local scouts had planted and to film us for BBC. She ended up being late and stayed for about 30 seconds before rushing off again without us getting our little bogger heads on telly. To make up for our huge disappointment we were brought on a trip to rainbow rapids and the zoo instead. (in hindsight we may have been conned as this may have already been planned as a school tour)[/quote]

It was a long time ago but the story going with it caterpults it to near miss status


Who - Stephen Spielberg
Famous for - Directing
When - Summer 2009
Where - Restuarant in Co.Clare
Who spotted him - My Brother and Sister
Wearing - wearing shirt jacket and basehall hat
Additional info - he got a doggy bag …[/quote]

near miss. I remember hearing that he was in Ireland


Next door neighbour of mine went on a few dates with Graham / Graeme McDowell. Does that count? For the record, he gave her the flick.

And are they still going out?


your wish is my command… picture of him with his comerades… not us drunks :slight_smile:


[quote=“cailinlochgarman”]your wish is my command… picture of him with his comerades… not us drunks :slight_smile:


That’s epic work. :clap:

If you were to enjoy a lesbian romp with one of the Saved By The Bell girls then would you choose Lisa Turtle, Kelly Kapowski or Jessie Spano?