Celeb Spot Near Misses Thread



Who - Gabriel Byrne
Famous for - legendary actor and all round alright sort
When - december 09
Where - stevens greeen area
Who spotted him - me missus
Wearing - long black overcoat and scarf
Additional info - got out of taxi as herself was walking past, they walked side by side to the pedestrian crossing, her friend waved at her from across the street, gabriel being the man he is assumed she was waving at him and waved back. when the light went green he realised his error and apologised before continuing his journey.

[quote=ā€œcailinlochgarmanā€]your wish is my commandā€¦ picture of him with his comeradesā€¦ not us drunks :slight_smile:


So is that you or is that a friend on the left CLG? :popcorn:

that would be 1/5 of one of the girls that lived with me

Super stuff from CLG. :clap:

Spotted Martha from Home and Away on the DART this evening. Actually sat beside her. She was with her mother (a Spanish lady I think) and was wearing a gĆŗna dearg and the two conversed in Spanish. Martha has an excellent grasp of the language for an Australian.

Didnā€™t get a chance to speak to her as I was too starstruck.

Is this made up, Rocko?

Clandestine photograph taken on your phone to back up the assertion?

Itā€™s on the near misses thread as I fear the chances of Martha actually being Martha are less than 50%. It was the Spanish conversation that caused the doubts.

An acquaintance of mine was drinking in Searsonā€™s of Baggot Street on Sunday night when Ronnie Whelan, Didi Hamann and Kevin Kilbane arrived to have a few pints. Didi was lowering the pints and smoking like a trooper out in the smoking area. He said, ā€˜I wanna go on a mad one but Iā€™m working for your national broadcaster tomorrow lunchtime.ā€™ Ronnie does not want Roy Hodgson to get the Liverpool job and said ā€˜heā€™ll get it over my dead bodyā€™. Ronnie wants King Kenny to be given the role. Killer was quiet and polite.

Iā€™ve never heard of any of those people.

Thatā€™s great for you.

Whatā€™s that got to do with anything?

According to multiple reports on Facebook, Pink had lunch today in The Bailey in Enniscorthy. Iā€™m sure she was lost or something.

She was just getting the party started.

ive had reports from the one of the recepiontists in Dunbrody Country House that she stayed in the St.Jamesā€™ Mens Sponsor hotel last night and is supposidely lovely

With all this talk of college and exams and you still spell half your posts wrong :rolleyes:

Do you not remember the posts she used put up about Ray Foley? Iā€™d say they improved her a lot.


The Fame Game.

An ordinary person shares the same name as a celebrity.

Contestants had to ask questions on order to figure out the name I.e. Are you a sportstar etc?

One contestant asked if the personā€™s name was Pink. So in her mind there was a young girl inIreland just called Pink.

That is all I think of when Pinks name is mentioned.

spell checker is a great invention and i was under the influence typing the last message so my spelling would of been worse than normal anyway

reports that pink also visited Hook Lighthouse while in the Sunny South East