Celeb Spot Near Misses Thread

A few near misses from New York

Who: TFK Hall of Famer - Brian Tinnion
Where: Madison Square Park, NYC
Info: From information gleaned in another thread it would appear that myself and Tinnion were in the same location a mere few hours apart.

Who: Billy Connolly
Where: Madison Square Park, NYC
Info: During Tinnions travels through the aforementioned park he spotted Billy Connolly

Who: No idea
Where: Times Square, NYC, Saturday circa 3pm
Info: A cavalcade of SUV’s with flashing lights passed along Times Square with a blacked out Merc in the middle, through the windows I could make out a man and a woman, the woman was waving to the onlooking crowd and I’m judging by the level of security it was somebody very famous indeed.

Not sure this celeb appearance in Dublins fair city was mentioned already, but a mate was telling me he was in Coppers recently (may have been Monday night) when he bumped into WWE Wrestling sensation Sheamus. He confirmed aforementioned Sheamus is quite a large unit.

While I was off looking for a lock in, a few mates of mine met retired US sprinter Michael Johnson while we were back in Dingle last weekend. He is allegedly an alright sort.
Mates of mine also met Julia Roberts, Saoirse Ronan*, and Larry Murphy back there in the last week or two. Larry is supposedly a brilliant wingman.

[size=2]*not a celeb[/size]

Michael Johnson in Dingle. :o

Now that would have been a spot.

My brother in law and sister spent 5 mins chatting to Enda Brady of Sky News yesterday who is home on holidays for a week. He was in good form I’m told. An alright sort is Enda :clap:





His status as a celeb was in doubt last week for a couple of minutes when he chose to retweet a tweet from Bandage


Mark Cagney was in the lobby/sit down area with his family last Sunday in Silversprings, was standing right beside him but didn’t see him, Mrs Locke told me afterwards. Sean Gallagher was out canvassing Friday week last and took the time to get a photo opportunity with Sean Kelly in the middle of Ennis; wonder does Kelly vote in Ireland or Belgium? Anyway both were working as such…

Jaysus. :o

Mac, did you see on Twitter that Sky News’ Enda Brady was golfing this evening in Wexford with former Irish international footballer Paul McGrath and current waterboy to the Wexford senior hurling team Mick Reade?

Twitter is magnificent. To think I never would have found out only for it.

I did. I know the other fella they played with as well. Enda and Paul seem like good mates - they were having an extended discussion about meeting up about 2 or 3 months ago via Twitter.

I believe the bar staff will be working throughout the night cleaning up after the lads decided to go for a pint in the clubhouse afterwards.



Have at it lads

Mollie-mae (not sure of the spelling) and Tommy fury were invited to that party that giggsy was at, but couldn’t attend because they wanted to send their first Christmas with their baby privately instagramming.
My lass got well excited when there was a GWagon at the door but alas that belonged to some young lad called Josh.


Josh must be famous or famous parents ?

Dunno. I’m back there in three days so I’ll find out. Was chatting to the yanited kitman all through the fergiecyears, who was sound. I was only told what he did after. Also chatted for a good long time to a lady who it transpires owns port vale.

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