Celeb Spot Near Misses Thread

Who is bowing down? Its completely normal. Its the fucking irish drivers and little scumbags around Dublin you can’t trust.

You do realise they leave in plenty of time as well.

I don’t think these guys are any better than me (except at soccerball), but logic would tell you they need to get an escort to the game.

Jesus there are some twisted bitter fucks on this site. :rolleyes:

im susprised you dont think youre better than them at soccerball kev, perhaps theyre just a little fitter?

Just a tad. :smiley:

Who: Robert Fisk
Spotted by: My mother
Where: Walking along Dock Road in Galway City
When: 10:45 am, Saturday September 11th 2010

Who: Roseanna Davidson
Where: Castlemartyr Resort
When: during the week
By who: friend of Mrs Locke
Other info: our friend said that Davidson would get it, which I thought was interesting… seeing shes a bird

there is a resort in a place called castlemartyr- i find that hard to believe

Indeed and there is crake, 5 stars and a golf track to boot. Look it up, try this website, www.Google.ie :wink:

Who: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Where: Security queue, Dublin Airport
When: circa July 2005
Any other information: He was big, I mean really big, wearing a hat that would have done justice to Crocodile Dundee, and accompanied by another wrestler. Presumably there was some WWE event in Dublin the night previously.

Who: Liam Lawlor
Where: Departures level, Dublin Airport - between the Aer Lingus check in desks and Hughes and Hughes newsagent
When: August 3rd, 2005
Wearing: A suit, of which colour I cannot remember.
Demeanour: Very shifty - Lawlor was standing around on his own, seemingly looking for somebody, possibly a Russian business partner or interpreter. He spent most of the five or so minutes I saw him with his hands in his pockets.

It’s important to put ‘Famous For’ in the description. For instance above you could be talking about the deceased politician instead of the Waterford hurler which you are undoubtedly referring to.

Fisk you hound

Who: Character witness of choice for drunken killers, Michael “Gaillimh” Galwey
Where: Burlington Hotel, Dublin
When: 11:30pm approx., Sunday September 19th, 2010
Spotted by: Two Corkonian drinking companions, I missed the presence of Galwey as I was making my way outside for a cigarette.


What an utter tard you are.

I meant to add this a few weeks ago.

When I was in New York in late August…

Who: Katrina Bowden aka Cerie from 30 Rock
Where: Lower Manhattan bar.
When: August 26th approaching midnight.
Spotted by: My mates who I was on holiday with.
Missed because: I had just left them as I was moving my stuff from one hotel to another.

All the Celtic squad that played against Bohemian FC yesterday were waiting to board the 13.40 Aer Lingus flight to Edinburgh at Departure Gate 211 in Dublin Airport today. I was in the queue at gate 210 for an alternative flight but stood beside and observed a number of the players, who were wearing standard club issue tracksuits.

Who: Seamus Heaney

Famous For: Poet, poems, being able to rhyme

Where: Top of Grafton Street (outside Top Shop)

Spotted by: A mate

When: Yesterday evening, 5.45pm approximately

Other info: Heaney was accopmanied by a lady, who my mate recoginised as his wife. My mate also remarked that he looked very old and was dressed ’ in standard 70 year old attire’.

One thing that I neglected to mention about the Celtic squad on Monday was that they were almost to a man eating pre-packed sandwiches that they’d purchased from the shop at the boarding area. Efrain Juarez was also eating a muffin. Stokes and Murphy were last onto the plane. Child prodigy Islam Feruz seemed shy and was listening to his ipod on his own. The American trialist Adrian Ruelas spent twenty minutes doing laps of the waiting area while listening to his tunes. Marc Crosas was drinking a smoothie. Mark Wilson asked a foreign gentleman if the seat beside him was free and the man rudely shrugged his shoulders and turned away from him without answering him properly. Wilson sat down beside him anyway. Glenn Loovens and Dom Cervi then came over and stood in front of Wilson and the man and engaged in banter with Wilson. The rude man seemed annoyed that his personal space had been invaded. Gary Hooper was wearing nice Adidas trainers.


Was he actually jogging

Just after receiving a text from Clarkey.

‘I have just seen Jennifer Ellison in the flesh’


Who: Justin Bieber

Farmous For: I presume he’s a singer.

Spotted by: Mrs Rocko

Where: Accessorize, Grafton Street, Dublin

Demeanour: Famous, bothered by all the attention, annoyed by screaming girls outside.

Not sure what the fuck a famous guy like that is doing in a trinkets shop but there you go.

Andy Carroll was spotted multiple times by Mrs Macs brother in the casino by the docks in Liverpool last Wednesday night / Thursday morning between 2am and 5am. In 1 hour at the blackjack table, Andy lost around 6k or so. He then proceeded to lose more money playing roulette. He was not sober at the time i’m told.