Celeb Spotting 🐐

therock67 wrote:

There are one strap bags worn on the back but it’s hard to imagine he went for something as youthful as this:

I can confirm that it was indeed the third option as demonstrated above the look overall was quiet youthful. Mr Sutherland was looking very well.

West wrote:I can confirm that it was indeed the third option as demonstrated above the look overall was quiet youthful. Mr Sutherland was looking very well.[/quote]

Surely you approached for a chat/photo/score?

No and I was kicking myself afterwards as I had my camera on me. I was just surprised to see him that I just stared and he walked past and put his sunglasses back on.

West wrote:

No and I was kicking myself afterwards as I had my camera on me. I was just surprised to see him that I just stared and he walked past and put his sunglasses back on.

That’s fairly disappointing - I probably would have tried to get a quick fondle of his town halls.

That confidence comes when you’ve met the likes of Nuala Carey, Laura Woods and Niallo from TG4 in the past though so you’ll know better next time.

David Kitt currently in office studio on 28 New Row South doing photo shoot. How rock and roll!

Slykid - welcome to the forum first of all. Secondly you might want to familiarise youself with some basic rules we have put in place regarding inclusions in the celeb spot thread:

The most important distinction we make is that celebrities that warrant a mention in this thread should be spotted in a capacity other than those actions which have made them famous in the first place.

Therefore: seeing Brian O’Driscoll on Grafton Street is a spot. Seeing him in Donnybrook at a Leinster match is not.

David Kitt doing a photo shoot is probably on the right side of these guidelines but I thought I’d let you know anyway lest you find yourself at the centre of a storm of controversy later on in your TFK career.

Brent Pope standing outside The Waterloo Pub on Upper Baggot Street yesterday eveing at 17.40 (gmt). He was looking a bit ruffled as if he was waiting for someone and they hadn’t shown up - he was quite restless looking and was staring at his watch. He was wearing brow shoes, navy slacks and a nice blue shirt with a navy stripe (possibly to match up with his trousers?). I didn’t approach as I had stuff to do before Home and Away.

No jacket? Risky in this weather.

Were you not already late for Home and Away at that stage? 17:40 GMT equates to 18:40 in Irish Summer Time.

No, I time travelled.

therock67 wrote:

Slykid - welcome to the forum first of all. Secondly you might want to familiarise youself with some basic rules we have put in place regarding inclusions in the celeb spot thread:

The most important distinction we make is that celebrities that warrant a mention in this thread should be spotted in a capacity other than those actions which have made them famous in the first place.

Therefore: seeing Brian O’Driscoll on Grafton Street is a spot. Seeing him in Donnybrook at a Leinster match is not.

David Kitt doing a photo shoot is probably on the right side of these guidelines but I thought I’d let you know anyway lest you find yourself at the centre of a storm of controversy later on in your TFK career.

Fully appreciate this therock67. The original spot was him lost on New Row South while I was out having a smoke. It was when one of the guys in my office complex came down to save him and bring him upstairs that the spot possibly turned into a professional siting.

Good to see that you didn’t help him out yourself Sly. A smoke break is a smoke break after all. You don’t have time to be directing people upstairs while you’re savouring the nicotine. I’m sure once you’d finished the cigarette you’d have saved him yourself.

To be honest, he ruined Lisdoonvarna in the RDS that Summer with an hour of the dullest shite you’ve ever heard. Not sure I’d have helped him at all.

Do you not know him from childhood though?

I remember him up in Pine Valley.

Spotted Steven Pressley standing on the road while on the way to work this morning. He was wearing a Rangers jersey, an orange sache (sic?) and had his fingers up his nostrils.

Dublin footballers, Collie Moran and Mossy Quinn, in Bar 51 on Haddington Road at lunchtime today in the queue for carvery. I only made slight eye contact with them and didn’t hang around up by the service area to find out what option they went for (they were behind me in the line). Both gentlemen were wearing the banal ‘Friday smart casual’ garb that I fooking hate. I went for the chicken curry (half rice, half chips) by the way.

gordon d’arcy sittin outside coccoon in hibernian way wearing a dodgy looking brown jacket with a big PUMA logo on it.
probably waiting for all the backcomb slags to turn up and fawn over “the darce”
jaysis i hate rugby

Mark Vaughan, Druids’ Glen, 29 July 2007.

Vaughan was wearing standard beige trousers and a fetching bright blue t-shirt. He was in the company of Declan Kelliher (a clubmate of Vaughan’s) and a third person who was unknown to this author. Vaughan seemed to over-extend on his tee shot on the fourth hole. As a result he came over the top of the ball and seemed to be flirting with the gorse on the left side of the fairway. He was using a golf buggy.

Disposed Cork senior hurling captain, Kieran ‘Hero’ Murphy, in Spar on Upper Baggot Street on Saturday night at approximately 9.15pm. He was wearing a Cork tracksuit bottoms and a Cork v neck t-shirt with ‘K Murphy’ emblazoned on the back. He was carrying his hurley and left clutching a bottle of still water. I assume (though always dangerous to do so) that he was out for a stroll on the eve of the game given Cork’s usual Burlington Hotel base.

Wednesday 1 August 2007, 5.29pm

Trinity College, College Green

Former Fine Gael leader Alan Dukes walking alone quite briskly. It was a long time since I had seen him and he seems to have gotten very old. H ewas dressed in a brown suit with an umbrella in hand, which I can only assume he was going to put up as it was raining at the time

Friday, 3 August 2007, 1.10pm

Grafton Street

Minister for Transport and Marine Noel Dempsey walking very casually and leisurely down Grafton Street, also alone. He is an extremely small person. He was dressed in a shirt and trousers (no tie).

Friday, 3 August 2007, 1.30pm


Dublin forward Mark Vaughan (again!) entering Spar, with two others, which I can only assume to be work colleagues. He was dressed in the typical business casual atire. It is only when you see him up close that you appreciate how ridiculous his bleached hair looks

Post edited by: farmerinthecity, at: 2007/08/04 19:39

Just something I need to ask.

How were you on Grafton Street and in the IFSC at the same time?