Celeb Spotting 🐐

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Where were you sitting Baby? I was in the main stand - strange I didn’t see you somewhere. It is not as if either of us are difficult to spot.


Section F, Row L, Seats 4,5 and 6

Is the capacity of Pirc Sen greater than the population of Leitrim?

[quote=“Bandage”]Is the capacity of Pirc Sen greater than the population of Leitrim?


No. You would squeeze half the population in though.

Seeing as NCC as offered no reason why my spotting of Niall Mellon in a Thomastown take away should be declared invalid im hereby declaring it a valid spot.

we can spot big stars in the sticks too ya know;),they arent all in Donohues(where ever that is,tis full of celebs anyway according to this e-place) seven days a Week.[/QUOTE]

its not a spot because he isnt a celeb:rolleyes:

[quote=“Mullach Ide”]Who: Niall O’Farrell
Famous For: Starring in RTE’s version of The Dragon’s Den and founding Black Tie
Where: O’Donohues
When: Friday at 19:45
Wearing: Dark pinstriped suit, one of those stupid shirts with a white collar and pinstripes.
Other notes: He walked up and down the beer garden 3 or 4 times, he walked like he had a poker stuck up his hole. He was taller than he looked on TV.[/QUOTE]

Think that is the attire of the rich and how they let the world know that they have more money than they’ll ever need. Even though this guy is fook off rich he still was spotted in Flannerys of all places on St Patricks night when I was in there.:smiley:

Niall O’Farrell is an epic tosser like everyone else on that show.

O’Donoghue is one of the most overrated pubs in Dublin.

Gobshites of barmen/women mainly, beer woeful from the back bar and only alright from the front one, only comfortable place is standing out in a smoke filled yard and has a general feel of being up its own arse.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]O’Donoghue is one of the most overrated pubs in Dublin.

Gobshites of barmen/women mainly, beer woeful from the back bar and only alright from the front one, only comfortable place is standing out in a smoke filled yard and has a general feel of being up its own arse.[/QUOTE]

The kip that used to be the Thing Moate? Never liked it, only been in there a couple of times though

I agree with you thoroughly there Farmer.

Not quite a spot but I see that Celebrity GAA administrator extraordinaire Pat Fitz was in the audience for the Sunday Game Munster final special…

No the one on Baggot Street.

I know it alright but wouldn’t be familiar with it, certainly wouldn’t be a regular haunt anyway

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]O’Donoghue is one of the most overrated pubs in Dublin.

Gobshites of barmen/women mainly, beer woeful from the back bar and only alright from the front one, only comfortable place is standing out in a smoke filled yard and has a general feel of being up its own arse.[/QUOTE]

Well said young man.

They are still living off their Luke Kelly buzz, as if they give a fcuk about traditional music these days. You play music in there you don’t even get a fcuking pint off the bossman never mind getting paid. If you want trad these days there are only a few places left, Hughes’ at the Four Courts or the Cobblestone would be the ones that come to mind, O’Donoghues is for tourists and tossers. It’s a total fraud.

For some reason it has become a place for the beautiful people to hang out.

Examples of gobshiteness from barmenwomen in the place:

  • I ordered a round off the bloke in the front bar once from the yard so couldn’t see him pulling the pints. He came back minus the Guinness and I was unsure if he heard me. He goes 18.95 (really short). I said ‘there’s a Guinness in that as well yeah’ to which he replied ‘GIVE ME THE MONEY’. Some old one interuptted after and said to me ‘Ah that’s John. He’s a character really’.

  • Back bar around Christmas and the place was very busy.Female mate was getting a round. Got a call from Rock saying that he was on his way in and to get him a Guinness. Told my mate and she ordered another Guinness. ‘What? Why are you only ordering that now? Can’t you see we’re busy?’ My mate explained the situation and yer wan replied ‘right I’ll get it for you this time but don’t let it happen again’

  • Back bar about two months ago. Place not that busy. Bloke who arrived to the bar well after me served first. Another bloke who arrived after me but before the other bloke complained. The barman says ‘Listen mate I have a system going here. I’ll come to you next’. System - there were three people waiting and he blatanty ignored the first two. He then approached the bloke who complained and said ‘so what can I get for you?’ to which he replied, pointing at me, ‘actually this gentleman was here first’.

Wankers all of them.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Well said young man.

They are still living off their Luke Kelly buzz, as if they give a fcuk about traditional music these days. You play music in there you don’t even get a fcuking pint off the bossman never mind getting paid. If you want trad these days there are only a few places left, Hughes’ at the Four Courts or the Cobblestone would be the ones that come to mind, O’Donoghues is for tourists and tossers. It’s a total fraud.[/QUOTE]

The Terenure Inn has a smashing trad session on Saturday nights. A German bloke with a beard plays there - I would say most of you know him as I seem to see him busking everywhere around town. Master on the tin whistle.

While we are on the subject of pubs in Dublin I am going to throw out Doyles as my favourite watering hole. I suppose it depends where you place the emphasis but they have the best music in there by some distance as well as having similar levels of totty to most other pubs in capital.

Another major plus is the pint of Guinness particularly when they deliver it to you at half two in the morning, by which time if you were in any other nightclub or late bar you would not dare touch it.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]While we are on the subject of pubs in Dublin I am going to throw out Doyles as my favourite watering hole. I suppose it depends where you place the emphasis but they have the best music in there by some distance as well as having similar levels of totty to most other pubs in capital.

Another major plus is the pint of Guinness particularly when they deliver it to you at half two in the morning, by which time if you were in any other nightclub or late bar you would not dare touch it.[/QUOTE]

Agree 100%, the music in there is top notch. I remember one night it was as if the dj had robbd my ipod for the night and played all my favorites.

The last time I was in Doyles was the night Celtic lost the UEFA Cup Final. Never dawned on me to go in since.

Some good points made by Farmer here both anti-O’Donoghoes and pro-Doyles.

Doyles is a cracking but underused late option.

Used to frequent Doyle’s a fair bit but haven’t been in a good while now.
Often found the place too warm and I hates hate.