Celeb Spotting 🐐

[quote=“kerlogue”]Who: Tom McGurk

Famous For: Being a rugby knob broadcaster and know all.
When: Today at 9.15 am
Where:Belmont Ave Donnybrook D4
Wearing: Glasses a pale brown suit and driving a Range Rover

Company: He was in a road range incident with a young girl driving a white fiesta
Other info: He was screaming obscene words at the girl whilst clearly in the wrong.He was met with jeers from pedestrians and a cacophany of car horns.He behaved like a pompous twat !:mad:_________________[/quote]What A complete and utter prick!:mad:


[quote=“cluaindiuic”]Exactly what I have heard too.

If people know this forum well enough they should have a good idea who I maybe possibly heard it from.[/quote]

MBB must have had a pint with him before.

[quote=“kerlogue”]Who: Tom McGurk

Famous For: Being a rugby knob broadcaster and know all.
When: Today at 9.15 am
Where:Belmont Ave Donnybrook D4
Wearing: Glasses a pale brown suit and driving a Range Rover

Company: He was in a road range incident with a young girl driving a white fiesta
Other info: He was screaming obscene words at the girl whilst clearly in the wrong.He was met with jeers from pedestrians and a cacophany of car horns.He behaved like a pompous twat !:mad:_________________[/quote]

That’s an excellent spot. And wonderfully augmented by the context. Not quite as good as Massey spotting Jimmy Doyle (ex Fair City) taking possession of some powder type material (presumably flour) outside a bar in Queen’s, New York. To recap, very good spot and I hereby affix the ‘official celeb spot adjudicator’ seal to this post to confirm it.

Outstanding :clap:



Yours etc,

Bandage, sort your shit out. A D4 cunt driving around D4 in a Landrover is a spot, albeit that the situation was well documented and my spot and detail about Conor Counihan isnt??? WTF are you playing at?

Bring the Link back!

[quote=“Locke”]Bandage, sort your shit out. A D4 cunt driving around D4 in a Landrover is a spot, albeit that the situation was well documented and my spot and detail about Conor Counihan isnt??? WTF are you playing at?

Bring the Link back![/quote]

GAA people, well most of them, pride themselves on their amateur status and regularly publicise the fact they have 9am to 5pm jobs like the rest of us (bar Puke). They see themselves as regular Joe Soaps, and they are correct. They are not celebrities and they are therefore not valid spots.


[quote=“Bandage”]GAA people, well most of them, pride themselves on their amateur status and regularly publicise the fact they have 9am to 5pm jobs like the rest of us (bar Puke). They see themselves as regular Joe Soaps, and they are correct. They are not celebrities and they are therefore not valid spots.


What about Eoin McGrath and Eoin Kelly from Waterford; they’re professional hurlers, would they count as spots if seen?


Clarify this Locke please ?



You know the score Hangblaa

You know the score Hangblaa[/quote]


[quote=“Bandage”]GAA people, well most of them, pride themselves on their amateur status and regularly publicise the fact they have 9am to 5pm jobs like the rest of us (bar Puke). They see themselves as regular Joe Soaps, and they are correct. They are not celebrities and they are therefore not valid spots.


Following consultation with officials in my department i now see fit to announce that from here forward all Inter COunty hurling and football players with the exclusion of Dublin footballers will be accepted as valid celeb spots if submitted for decision to myself,the official celeb spots adjudicator.

Official Celeb spots Adjudicator,TFK.Com

[quote=“THE LINK WALSH”]Following consultations with officials in my department i now see fit to announce that from here forward all Inter COunty hurling and football players with the exclusion of Dublin footballers will be accepted as valid celeb spots if submitted for decision to myself,the official celeb spots adjudicator.

Official Celeb spots Adjudicator,TFK.Com[/quote]

How’s the head?

Not a bother:thumbsup:,spot any hurlers or footballers(other than Dublin cunts) in yer travels?

Whats a hurler?