Celeb Spotting 🐐

Time to call in Bandage:eek::barcasmile::thumbsup:

Famous For:his good aim.
Where:Maam Cross Livestock Mart,Connemarra.
When:On Saturday at around 3.30pm
Attire:Black Wellingtons,Jeans,A navyish wooly jumper,an old coat,a stick.
Demeaner:Tensish but jovial
Other Notes:Myself and another canvasser encountered the great man as he strolled through the pens with a couple of other fellas,we shook his hand and asked for the vote to which he smiled and replied that he’d give John Bryan his number 1 as he liked the ordinary man that seemed to be about him,after talking for a minute or two my buddy broached the big subject by saying fair play to him about the other thing and that he had the support of everyone in Kilkenny and was a hero amongst farming people everywhere,he didnt really want to talk about it but smiled for a second and said thanks before changing the subject to the high price square bales were making at the sale,my associate reckoned afterwards that he seemed a little haunted by the whole thing the poor divil,an absolute alright sort would be my view of the man.[/quote]

Would you ever fuck off you simpleton?

That murderer does not have my support.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Would you ever fuck off you simpleton?

That murderer does not have my support.[/quote]

Farmer, what would you do if god forbid one day you came across an intruder in your home, who happened to be a lowlife scumbag who persistently broke into your property? Would you defend whats yours?

Of course I would. I would have no problem with Nally shooting him in the arse and giving him a beating.

What I would have a problem with is him going back into the shed, reloading and sticking bullets into him to kill him as he was fleeing.

I am actually astounded by the level of support there is for Nally on here.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Of course I would. I would have no problem with Nally shooting him in the arse and giving him a beating.

What I would have a problem with is him going back into the shed, reloading and sticking bullets into him to kill him as he was fleeing.

I am actually astounded by the level of support there is for Nally on here.[/quote]

Nally was defending himself. He had been tormented by all the burglaries on his home. The authorities had let him down. He had to take matters into his own hands. For all he knew the intruder would return later that evening to seek vengance. If i had been in Nally’s situation i’d have done the same thing. If i had seen him in the house and had a shotgun at hand i’d have taken his head clean off his shoulders inside the house.

I am not having this argument again but just to say I have heard so much about Nally being persecuted by Frog in the past. What actually evidence is there of this?

Was he ever robbed before?

Was he ever beaten up?

Was it Frog that did it?

Or was it clearly a case of a man with some sort of nervous disposition who misinterpreted the threat he was under?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I am not having this argument again but just to say I have heard so much about Nally being persecuted by Frog in the past. What actually evidence is there of this?

Was he ever robbed before?

Was he ever beaten up?

Was it Frog that did it?

Or was it clearly a case of a man with some sort of nervous disposition who misinterpreted the threat he was under?[/quote]

Farmer, you’re right this argument has been played out enough times on here, we don’t need to go over it again.

What i will say in finality is this: breaking into someone elses home is the lowest of the low and should not be tolerated.

Farmer knows the score

Farmer could get shot

[quote=“The Dunph”]Farmer, you’re right this argument has been played out enough times on here, we don’t need to go over it again.

What i will say in finality is this: breaking into someone elses home is the lowest of the low and should not be tolerated.[/quote]

Nally reacted in a situation of absolute fear and did something he shouldn’t have done with the reloading the gun and following a wounded man down the road to shoot him dead in cold blood. One can understand why he did it but it is hardly something to be proud of in any way shape or form.
Excuses can be made for the mistake he made and an argument made that he shouldn’t be in jail but to make him out to be some sort of heroic figure, and to make out what he did to be some sort of fantastic thing, just to portray yourself as a hard man anti traveller is more like the ‘lowest of the low’ and is nothing short of cuntish.

[quote=“gola”]Nally reacted in a situation of absolute fear and did something he shouldn’t have done with the reloading the gun and following a wounded man down the road to shoot him dead in cold blood. One can understand why he did it but it is hardly something to be proud of in any way shape or form.
Excuses can be made for the mistake he made and an argument made that he shouldn’t be in jail but to make him out to be some sort of heroic figure, and to make out what he did to be some sort of fantastic thing, just to portray yourself as a hard man anti traveller is more like the ‘lowest of the low’ and is nothing short of cuntish.[/quote]

If Frog wasn’t a traveller Nally wouldn’t have had as much support.

I’d honestly still support him Farmer, if you’re willing to tresspass you have to be willing to take the consequences. Simple as.

In this time of ressession burglaries will go up, I don’t see why any property owner (who never broke the law in their life) should serve time for trying to protect his property that he worked hard for.

[quote=“gola”]Nally reacted in a situation of absolute fear and did something he shouldn’t have done with the reloading the gun and following a wounded man down the road to shoot him dead in cold blood. One can understand why he did it but it is hardly something to be proud of in any way shape or form.
Excuses can be made for the mistake he made and an argument made that he shouldn’t be in jail but to make him out to be some sort of heroic figure, and to make out what he did to be some sort of fantastic thing, just to portray yourself as a hard man anti traveller is more like the ‘lowest of the low’ and is nothing short of cuntish.[/quote]

I repeat - if someone breaks into your home they can’t then complain if they get their head blown off. They’re fair game once they pass your threshold.

:rolleyes: FFS of course they can’t, they’d be dead.


That’s my point.

who:natlie portman
where:64th and broadway in front of the lincon centre
when:lunchtime today
other info:nat was on her way to shoot a scene for a film called “black swan” when i seen her,so some extra told me,shes not that good lookin in real life a bag bones really
hope this passes the test for a spot,if not suck my balls

[quote=“massey ferguson”]who:natlie portman
where:64th and broadway in front of the lincon centre
when:lunchtime today
other info:nat was on her way to shoot a scene for a film called “black swan” when i seen her,so some extra told me,shes not that good lookin in real life a bag bones really
hope this passes the test for a spot,if not suck my balls[/quote]

Sounds like a workplace environment to me.

[quote=“massey ferguson”]who:natlie portman
where:64th and broadway in front of the lincon centre
when:lunchtime today
other info:nat was on her way to shoot a scene for a film called “black swan” when i seen her,so some extra told me,shes not that good lookin in real life a bag bones really
hope this passes the test for a spot,if not suck my balls[/quote]

Good work tractor man.

Just got a text from a mate who’s at a Fleetwood Mac concert in Sydney. He is standing beside your one that was Belle’s mother in H&A (Amanda??). Said she is smoking hot.

She’s hot alright-
