Celeb Spotting 🐐

Adele King (aka Twink) last Friday lunchtime in a black SUV (possibly a BMW X5) outside the Kilkenny Shop on Nassau St. She was wearing a bright yellow jacket with a fur lined hood.

Twink had stopped her vehicle outside the shop, not in a parking space, but in one of the two traffic lanes used on Nassau St. She proceeded to put on her hazard lights to indicate that this use of one of the lanes of the national thoroughfare was an appropriate method of parking.

This attracted the ire of a number of other road users at the time, in particular two members of the Taxi driving fraternity, who as we all know are nothing but model citizens when it comes to obeying the rules of the road. The two taxi drivers showed their displeasure at Twinks unusual highway etiquette by leaning heavily on their cars horn.

Posting on behalf of Mrs Rock.

“One for the freekick. Shane Horgan just walked by my office eating an apple and sporting a lustrous beard!”

I must confess to looking up lustrous in a dictionary, presuming it relates to lustre. The meaning is “reflecting light evenly and efficiently without glitter or sparkle.” Seems to be related to illustrious.

I’d say your evening chats are fascinating

Probably like something out of an episode of Seinfeld.

Niall Quinn spotted in Dublin Airport complet with Sunderland bag going through security on January 17th.

Ireland’s premier sport broadcaster, the great Des Cahill, was sitting further along down my row at the rugby in Croke Park on Saturday.

I’m not sure if these next ones will count but I think on balance they do. The Four Seasons was the pre and post match venue for drinks on Saturday for the corporate junket I attended. It’s also the team hotel and was where I spotted Dennis Leamy at 12pm strolling through the lobby in his team tracksuit and carrying his gear bag. When we were leaving the hotel to move on to a nearby public house at about 8pm I spotted Eoin Reddan and Mick O’Driscoll walking down towards the room where the players were eating. They were both dressed in black-tie ensemble. As we got out to the lobby a disconsolate looking Gordon D’Arcy was sitting in an armchair with his arm in a cast and he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I got the impression he didn’t plan on joining the black-tie affair.

Who: Shite Dublin footballer and boxer Johnny Magee

Where: Dunnes Stores, Beacon Centre, Sandyford

Magee entered the shop wearing a blue jumper, overalls and boots. From his complexion I deduced that he must involved in the building trade. On closer inspection I could see that the crest on his jumper was for Kilmacud Crokes, his club in Dublin.

He took a quick circle around the shop, obviously observing the Deli queue where this reporter was standing, before making his way to the top of the shop again. He examined the pre-packed sandwich counter for sometime before finally selecting one and went to the counter to pay for it. He went out the automatic door and disappeared from my sight.

person: TV & Radio’s busty beaut laura woods

where: camden street about 20 mins ago

how was she looking: quite well

walking: briskly on the mobile; jugs jumping up and down.

[quote=“DonkeyTail”]person: TV & Radio’s busty beaut laura woods

where: camden street about 20 mins ago

how was she looking: quite well

walking: briskly on the mobile; jugs jumping up and down.[/quote]

Forum member Jugs was jumping up and down on Camden Street as she walked briskly by? He’s a weirdo.

Laura’s a personal friend of mine - she’s a lovely lass.

[quote=“Bandage”]Forum member Jugs was jumping up and down on Camden Street as she walked briskly by? He’s a weirdo.

Laura’s a personal friend of mine - she’s a lovely lass.[/quote]


Saw her in O’Donoghues on Baggot Street one Saturday night about a year ago. I always thought her fit but she aint great up close. About an inch of make-up and a bit of a chubby face.

Say she’d do a turn though…

Last night I was out for a few pints and ventured into The Stags Head. Lo and behold in there I came across a birthday party for this gobshite that I used to know. Anyway to be polite I spoke for a while with this blinky eyed fook and had a few more pints I looked around at one stage and I was sure I saw Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV (aka Black Francis, leader singer of Pixies or Frank Black as he has become known in his solo work). I had a few pints on me at this stage so I thought I was seeing things. I listened out for an accent and sure enough there was an American one. It was him.

I have never been as starstruck in all my life. I couldn’t approach him simply because I was aware that I was quite pissed and I would look like an idiot. I tried to get a few mates of the gobshite to go up to him but the spineless fuckers wouldn’t. In the end he left and with that out of my life forever

I feel this could have been one of those moments that I will regret for the rest of my life. If I had just approached him it could have been the start of something beautiful.

And he was drinking with Jerry Fish of Mudbug Club, Emotional Fish and Bulmer’s ads fame. Farmer, you are / were gutless.

Pixies frontman Black Francis was taken away by Garda in Dublin on Saturday after staging an impromptu gig at St Stephen’s Green.

According to Hotpress magazine, a crowd of around 1,000 people showed up for the ‘precore’ show, which had been announced on the singer’s website. The free gig preceded a scheduled show that evening at Dublin’s Vicar St venue.

The star told Hotpress: “I’ve stopped doing encores at my official shows, and replaced them with ‘precores’ in unusual locations, which I ask fans to come up with. Somebody suggested Stephen’s Green - so I checked it out on the net, and thought, ‘Hey, let’s do it!’”

St Stephen’s Green show had originally been scheduled to take place at the bandstand in the middle of the green at 5pm though it was switched to outside the main entrance when the park was closed.

Black Francis played a short set that included solo material and Pixies classics before Garda appeared and took the singer and his publicist, Stevo Berube, to Kevin Street Garda Station.

Despite taking the star away in the back of a squad car, Garda said that he wasn’t actually arrested and was simply taken away in order to disperse the crowd.

The star later performed in Vicar Street as scheduled.

Former You’re A Star winner and Eurovision entrant / failure /disgrace Mickey (Joe) Harte strolling down Baggot Street outside Doheny & Nesbitt’s pub at lunchtime. He was wearing blue jeans and an army green colour casual jacket. He looked tanned (possibly make-up) and had his fringe gelled up at the front. Given his D-list status I didn’t make an approach.

One of my friends spotted him in Whelan’s of Wexford Street’s D-List VIP bar a few years back. He decided to approach him since a D-List celeb is the best you’ll find in Whelan’s. Mickey Joe’s response wasn’t very nice at all, apparently he told my friend to “fook aff”!

I naturally got really angry at somebody telling my friend to “fook aff”, so I decided to take appropriate action for the situation in hand. I went up to him, pointed and stared at him and then said; "I know you, you’re that guy from Fair City aren’t you!” I walked off safe in the knowledge that Mickey Joe was rightly pissed off and that in that point in time the world was a somewhat better place.

Two from Anfield last night

ITV anchorman Steve Rider wandering around outside the Main Stand at around 6.30

Gobshite and rubbish footballer extraordinaire Neil Ruddock about two rows up from me in the Main Stand.

Surely they were there in professional capacities? Especially Rider.

Got one last night myself.

Baird’s Bar, Gallowgate, Glasgow
17:30 20/02/2008

Spotter: therock67
Assist: Bandage
Spottee: Eoin Kelly (Tipperary)

Legendary hurler Eoin Kelly was enjoying the pub with a couple of mates before heading up to the match. One of his mates looked like a hurler too but I wasn’t able to put a name to the face. Kelly was wearing a dark greenish jumper and blue jeans. He seemed comfortable in his surroundings and enjoying the occasion, though an older member of his party seemed to be the organiser of the trip as he was the one singing the songs etc. Kelly was not drinking - at least not when I saw him.

[quote=“therock67”]Surely they were there in professional capacities? Especially Rider.

Rider was there professionally but was not in his profession when I saw him - just wandering around aimlessly. Anyway - don’t care I’m claiming it.

Ruddock was trying to engage randomers in banter. I went out for grub at half time and there he was oustide the stand surrounded by around ten fans cahtting to him and him loving it. Then he came back in and sat is his seat not before looking around making himself visible.

To put the spot in context:

Bandage: That’s Eoin Kelly.
Rocko: Who?
Bandage: Eoin Kelly the hurler.
Rocko: Which one of them?
Bandage: The Tipp one - class act.
Rocko: Where?
Bandage: Over there beside Hayser.
Rocko: No, it’s not.
Bandage: Yes it is.
Rocko: No, it’s not. I can hear them talking - that lad’s Scottish.
Bandage: No he’s not. It’s Eoin Kelly.
Rocko: It isn’t.
Bandage shouting across at him: Here, sorry to bother you but could you settle a row please - you’re Eoin Kelly, yeah?
Eoin Kelly in hilarious bogger accent: Well boys. I am indeed.