Celeb Spotting šŸ

Who: Mike Murphy
Famous for: Former presenter of The Live Mike, Winning Streak and various RTE vehicles
Where: Upstairs in Dicey Reillys beer garden
When: Last Friday night from 6pm onwards
Clobber: Open necked striped shirt and jeans
Other Points : Mike looked fit and healthy and was ensconsed on a couch with a large party from the nearby Harcourt Developments of which he is a director. Even though the France Wales rugby game was on, Mike was more interested in having the banter with a couple of dolls sat beside him who confirmed to this correspondent that he was an all round good egg. He was sipping pints of lager, possibly Heino.

Who: Yasmine Le Bon
Famous for: Being smoking hot and marrying Durran Durran lead singer Simon
Where: Walking into BT in Cork
When: Lunchtime today
Clothing: Very casual, with jeans, runners and a jacket.
Other points: She looks very well for 46 or whatever she is, she seemed happy and was chatting busily to what hay have been a helper or a manager, or maybe someone from the store. She was followed shortly by about 8 or 9 models in to the store. Some of whom were smoking hot, some youā€™d struggle to understand they were models, but they were all tall, very tall in some cases. Just around that time, young Cork GAA dual starlet, Aidan Walsh, walked by in his CIT snug top, hulking over most passers by, but not a couple of these models though. There was definitely a couple of 6ā€™2-6ā€™3 birds there. Most had small tits as well, and all were fairly scantly clad, one or two that i got to see in a mirror reflection, had very lovely bottoms as well. One of the girls was noticeably thin though, and had she put her hand out with a cap might have got a few cents from passers by.

Good spot, but unless that Walsh fella buggered a few of them there on the street, Iā€™m not sure what relevance he had to the spot.

This sounds suspiciously like she was in a working environment Kev, cracking bird though.

Heā€™s about 6ā€™3, i was astounded that a few of them reached his height and taller. I know models tend to be taller, but not that tall.

No doubt about that Mullach, i just wanted to share with someone that i ran into a load of models today, and Yasmine. Iā€™ve always like Le Bon as well. Seems like an alright sort as well as being beautiful.


Good spot of Mike.

Great work there Kev but not a spot.

Ah jaysus :unsure:

Who: Anthony Stokes
Famous for: Former Arsenal, Falkirk, Sunderland, Crystal Palace and now current Hibernian player (I feel like Iā€™m missing a club)
Where: Queue for the security check, Stanstead International Airport, England
When: Yesterday, 18:17
Clothing: Grey printed tee shirt, black jean like material pants, black canvass shoes
Other points: Stokesy (as his phone is called when I did a Bluetooth search to confirm the spot) has very well groomed hair. I would go as far to say that it was most likely cut by a gay. He also has a selection of tatts on his arms that, quite frankly in this reporters eyes, makes him look like a knack. I guess I could say this about most of my celeb spots that I thought heā€™d be bigger, I would say he would be the same size as say Tommy Walsh or JJ Delaney. He was looking sheepish, either from being out on the absolute tear the night before or just having a fear of taking off his belt before going through electronic scanners. I didnā€™t see the full match the night before so I didnā€™t know if he got a run or not back in his first club. It was a question I intended to ask him once I got through security and caught up with him but he must have been cutting it late for the flight to Glasgow that was called quite soon after the spot. Maybe thatā€™s why he had the worried look upon his faceā€¦

[quote=ā€œLocke, post: 8209ā€]Maybe thatā€™s why he had the worried look upon his faceā€¦

Iā€™d say that it was because he had some randomer whose bluetooth name was ā€˜Lockes ruleā€™ sending him pictures to his phone. :blink:

MY god, a gay hairdresser! does the barbers guild realise

Stalker territory

Donā€™t think a woman would do the cut, better at perms and highlights, a hetro man; maybe but to do this cut I reckon he might deep down like men. Lesbians, although gay, only know how to shave heads so it would have to have been a homoman.

I take pride in my spots and want to give quality reports. I would say border stalker at best.

My phones name is ā€œMy Boy Blueā€ and any pics sent were between me and Stokesy

You sent this one didnt you lockeā€¦

Its quite disturbing that guys name their phones.

Itā€™s their bluetooth Kev-so they know which one is theirs.
