Celeb Spotting šŸ

The Alfa is probably free from someone,thats a spot.

Who: BOD
Where,when: Cafe Mao, Dundrum. Last Thursday night.
Attire: Hoodie and jeans.
In the company of: His beur, Amy whatshername.
Other: Bod wolfed down some sort of noodle dish before leaving at about 8.30 with his hoodie up. Walking through a restaurant with your hoodie up is a bit cuntish but id let him off as he had the eyes of the room on him and his aura somehow pulled it off. Amy is tiny, she is ridiculously small.

Who: Pat Short.
Where: Thomand Park, West stand, Friday night.
Attire: some sort of winter jacket.
Other: Pat arrived moments before kickoff, took his seat, reached into his inside coat pocket, took out a naggin of Jameson, took a dose and pulled the appropriate face.

Both good spots.

Good man Spidey,yer on the ball here,yer wan is only average,Breff is putting on weight.

Spot on with the shoes and jacket as well.

That pic was from Sunday - pikey looks like he hadnā€™t changed from Saturday. The daily press up routine also seems to have gone out the window.

Who: Bruce ā€œNice to see you, to see youā€¦NICEā€ Forsyth
Famous For: Being an old codger who has spent his life surrounded by blonde hotties
Where: The Duke at Queens Hotel, Belfast
When: This morning
Wearing: Normal enough looking clothes and no scarf
Demeanor: Jolly
Notes: We had been informed by some of the hotel staff last night that Brucie Bonus was staying in the hotel but we thought they were taking the pis. While waiting at the reception this morning we saw the man himself appear from the lift and head towards the door. He acknowledged us with a ā€œMorning Gents, lovely day outsideā€ before heading outside for what was presumably a morning stroll or to find some 22 year old hottie wearing half nothing for him to stand beside.

Who: Irish Dragon - Niall O Farrell
Famous For: Being a successful business man
Where: The Chop House, Ballsbridge
When: Last night
Wearing: A very flash suit
Demeanor: I donā€™t really watch Dragonā€™s Den but Niall O Farrell comes across as a bit of a cunt.
In the company of: Some other fella, probably a bit younger himself who was dressed fairly casual in comparison
Other information: Himself and his compatriot took up position at the bar behind us and proceeded to talk complete and utter shite to some other couple. The food in the Chop House is decent but the place is full of tards

Good stuff there Mac,hes a knobend id say.

Good spot,well done on the listening in on thier conversation aswell.

Returned to the above restaurant tonight courtesy of Mrs Macs parents and was at a table beside DJ and his English bit on the side from Dragons Den (again). She is much hotter in real life than she is on that programme. Once the glasses are off and the hair is down thereā€™s a completely different woman there. Anyway, as a GAA player I presume he doesnā€™t qualify as a celeb. DJ also left wearing a scarf which I presume further disqualifies him. The Newman bird isnā€™t really a celeb but does she count Link?

Who: Aengus MacGrianna
Famous for: Reads the auld Nuacht and stuff
Where: Sitting on his Todd Sloan outside The Bailey sipping a drink
When: Yesterday.

Thatā€™s a fairly tame effort SS**, it must be saidā€¦

Who: Mani, Ex Stone Roses and Primal Scream Bassist.

Where: Paddy O Sheaā€™s, Dongzhimenwai, Beijing.

When: Sunday Night.

What: Wearing a brown leather jacket and drinking tea all night, Mani mixed freely with numerous Manc-ed up ex-pat brits who were there for the band puressence. He looks like a man who has truly lived the rock and roll lifestyle. Fair play Mani.

Mani always struck me as an alright sort despite being a filth. Was that who puked on you?

Mac dining out in Foxrock as per usual I see.

He plays camogie too I believe.

Mani is a cunt.

Evidence to back up said claims? I am open to being swayed, all I have to go on is a few eye witness reports. I have never shared a pint with the man, I repeat, I have never shared a pint with the man.