Celeb Spotting 🐐

What gave it away?

A valid double spot there Mac,good stuff,god bless yer bank account to be atein out in places like Foxrock.

You said you returned to the restaurant in Foxrock

Nah. Puker was anonymous in Shanghai. Mani was high on life but only drinking tae.

Bit hypocritical of you to be downing someone after they are dead when you got all up on your high horse with me about Owen Hart of the gay wrestling trade. I still don’t give a fuck by the way.

Isn’t it Flano?

Eh, Mani is alive and well Kev.*

[size=“1”]*“well” might be overstating it ever so slightly perhaps.[/size]

What’s this now?


Nearly forgot about this one and not sure if it counts

Who: These blokes - http://www.todayfm.com/Libraries/Breakfast%20Show/Harlem%20Globetrotters.sflb - Big Shot and Slick from the Harlem Globetrotters
Where: The corner of South Anne Street and Duke Lane (outside Kehoes pub)
When: Tuesday circa 1.10pm
Wearing: Exactly what was in that photo
Notes: The 2 boyos were messing around on the street with a basketball much to the amusement of some bystanders. Seemed like decent sorts although at first I didn’t know who they were until asking someone else in attendance. Tall fuckers.

Mani has a soft spot for Celtic and is therefore a member of the alright sort brigade.

Kev thinks Juhy is spotting ghosts.


Who: Con Murphy
Famous for: RTE presenter, most notably MNS,the Monday night highlights show of all League of Ireland games.
Where: An Aer Lingus flight from Heathrow to Dublin
When: About the 1st of April, the night after Arsenal played Barca
Wearing: Jeans and a dressy shirt far too big for him
Demeanor: Clearly hungover
Comments: Con was with his bird, who was pretty terrible. Id imagine he went over for the game and a night on the sauce and the bint tagged along to go shopping. Although it must be noted she seemed good mates with all the cabin crew staff which would lead me to believe she is herself a trolley dolley. She clearly did not pay for one bottle of water and a dairy milk.

:o :o

Not a spot. Outside the two week grace period allowed for posting spots.

Over ruled,fantastic spot in your first few posts,Link chalk this one up please!

Sorry rules are rules. If we didnt have them you’d have gombeens like Dunph posting up spots of the time he met Dev in Tour one day when he was suckling off him mothers nipple.

Double post. Rocko sort out the delete function will ya :angry:

fuck the rules… its nice to see that watchyourtoes is a staunch supporter of me. is he looking for something? should i be worried?

Thats a spot :clap: ,well done on noticing that his bint didnt pay for the confectionery and water,no wonder these Aer Lingus people cant make money.

:clap: :clap: