Celeb Spotting šŸ

Eddie Jordan at Ascot would qualify as a valid celebrity spot under the Link rules that govern this tread,all youve got to do now is submit this spot in the appropriate fashion and weā€™re in business.

Ive been looking for a poll to be set up on this matter for Months now Chocolate but my pleas have been falling on deaf ears,im willing to face any nominated user(s) in a 24 Hour public poll on the celeb spotting governance issue,my critics seem unwilling to put forward an alternative candidate to my stewardship of this thread for whatever reason.

Dunph, lets settle this once and for all !

The results of that poll would make for interesting reading,im hugely popular around these parts :pint: :smiley:

Can we put an option in there that there is no official adjudicator and that all this is a load of bullshit?

Ah thats just ludicrous Farmerā€¦ A world without rules means chaos.

Near misses thread for that one.

Farmer - Jugs, Cesc4 and I spotted the lady from Fair City. You other three were engrossed in conversation.

Gay Byrne, Uncle Gaybo.

Ballsbridge, walking towrds town, across from the RDS, Wednesday afternoon.
Chin up chest out, wearing cream chinos, summery short sleeve shirt, panama hat.

A cocky looking fucker.

Thats a spot.

appreciated boss.

Who: Stand-up comedian biffo Neil Delamare
Where: Salamanca Restaurant
When: circa 10.00 - 11.30pm Friday 2nd July
How: Self-spot, no direction required
Wearing: Black shirt (drunken monkey), and jeans. I didnā€™t manage to spot the footwear
Company: Two other comedian types. They looked familiar but not familiar enough to be spots
Mood: Jovial enough without being on top form. Seems like a decent sock

Thats a spot.

Who:Mick Dowling
Famous For:RTE Boxing Analyst fella
Where:Section 332,Row W Seat 18 or so,Hogan Stand,Croke Park,Dublin.
When:Between 2pm and 6pm Yesterday.
Attire:Navy Chinnos,light Grey zip up jumper with big collar,RL Polo i think,white shirt,black slip on shoes.

Other Notes:Mick sat directly opposite me in an outside seat for the duration of the two games Yesterday,he was in the company of a mid 20s fella with similarly coloured clothes but with that D4 young yuppie edge to them,could be a son but thats just speculation.He watched both games closely and never left during half times etc,despite being a Kilkenny man originally he wore no colours whatsoever and didnt shout out once but discussed aspects of the game at length with his D4 mate.

Mick is a serious hurling man and a gentleman to boot. Quare small hawk.

Celeb: Phil Jupitus, panellist on BBCā€™s ā€œNever Minds the Buzzcocksā€
Where: Upstairs in Bruxelles pub
When: Wednesday July 7th, 2010, 12:45am
Any other information: He was drinking a pint and had a bit of a sullen face on him. I was out having a smoke when the presence of said person was mentioned to me. I went inside, got the spot and immediately left, so no information on his attire.

Thats a spot.

Iā€™m reluctant on the Fair City burd but willing to allow it. Lewis isnā€™t a spot due to the frequency in his own club. If you saw Damian Duff or Robbie Keane having a kick around on an astro pitch in UCD or something then that would count.

Iā€™ll tell you whats bullshit - you thinking that Jim Carney is a celeb.

Mac, I need a ruling on Dessie Farrell. I donā€™t think GAA players / ex-players are spots but does his role as GPA Chief Executive and his resultant media profile make him a celeb?

id go for the ex hockey international over the gga if i was you