Celeb Spotting šŸ

Some from the weekend.

Friday 25th April, Kehoeā€™s Pub, South Anne Street, Dublin:
Wexford hurling player, David ā€˜Docā€™ Oā€™Connor, and retired Wexford footballer, David Fogarty, drinking with a group of rowdy individuals. Oā€™Connor was sporting a ridiculous amount of stubble and was wearing a controversial ā€˜baby blueā€™ jumper. Fogarty was more acceptably attired in a jeans and shirt combination. I had to leave at about 1am prior to getting an opportunity to investigate more thoroughly as I had commitments the next day.

Saturday 26th April, Dublin Airport, Newcastle Airport, Stadium of Light - Sunderland, 10.30am-12.30pm inclusive:
Publican and Sunderland AFC co-owner, Charlie Chawke, getting on the Aer Arann flight to Newcastle. Charlie was wearing a grey suit with Sunderland club tie and was sitting two rows in front of me on the plane and spent the flight reading the Irish Independent. Our Sunderland AFC travel co-ordinator told me Charlie was a bit worse for wear after being on the beer in Punchestown all week and that was apparent by the way he was staggering and limping along. Charlie also accompanied us on the bus from Newcastle airport to The Stadium of Light.

Saturday 26th April, Newcastle Airport, Dublin Airport, 8pm-9.10pm inclusive:
Former Irish international and current Sunderland AFC Chairman, Niall Quinn, on the return flight from Newcastle to Dublin. Niall was in jovial mood after Sunderland secured their premier league survival and gratefully accepted the well wishes of supporters - this one excepted - as we waited to board the flight. Charlie Chawke was also on this flight and he slept for most of the journey after possibly having a brandy or two in the boardroom during the game.

Sunday 27th April, Celtic Park, Kerrydale Street, Glasgow, 12.10pm:
Irish youth international and serious Celtic prospect, Cillian Sheridan, weaving through the queue of supporters pre-game. Cillian was accompanied by another similar aged individual, a possible fellow youth team player perhaps. Cillian was wearing trainers, blue jeans and a casual round-necked jumper.

Jaysus dont know where to start - at Punchestown on Friday and Saturday

Ryanairs Michael Oā€™Leary
John Oā€™Donohoe

Then on Saturday

Bernard Jackman
Brendan Howlin
John Browne
Ivan Yates
JR and Sue Ellen
Tanaiste and Taoiseach elect Brian Cowen
Current incumbent Bertie
Daniel O Donnells brother Jamsie who owns Cassidys pub on Camden Street

if DOC and Fogie count as celebs then it makes a bit of a farce of it all!!

Fair point and well made!

Itā€™s from last week, forgot to post it up. Mahon Point shopping centre Friday week last. Mrs Locke, myself and Ben & Jerry strolling around after having an Eddie Rockets classic burger with Bacon and cheese. Spotted NZ Maori and Munster Centre Rua Tipoki wheeling his 9 month old son around the top level. He was wearing a brownish hoody, green combat shorts and flipflops. Please note it was raining hard outside. Tipokiā€™s wife, a milf, was nowhere to be seen, presumably in Debenhams but this is unconfirmed.

Thatā€™s a bit below the belt there :wink:

As legs generally tend to be.

Well heā€™s only got one.

Bertie Ahern - Today 28/4/08 @ approx 1.45pm.

He was opening a school which I was involved in the construction of. Got a shake hands, a few shorts words and was included in a picture with him.

Last night, South Anne Street, Dublin 2:

Former Question of Sport captain and English rugby player Bill Beaumont strolling up the street and wheeling along his suitcase behind him. He was wearing a dark-coloured suit and was heading in the Grafton Street direction. I believe Bill is a member of the International Rugby Board who have meetings in Dublin on a regular basis and I reckon he might have been making his way to check into The Westbury.

Inkeeping with my Labour leader spot last week I spotted Ruairi Quinn in the Arts block of Trinity on Thursday, seemed to be a bit lost and had to ask some services type for directions.

This was swiftly followed by a bizzare Billy Bagster double spot. He walked past me on Nassau Street heading towards Westland Row and somehow managed to pass me again at the 150 bus stop on Dame Street only a couple of minuites later walking in the same easterly direction. Bizzare stuff, I reckon he was looking for Trappatoni.

Spotted and shook hands with Mani of the Stone Roses last night but he was working, doing a DJ set at the time so I suppose it doesnā€™t count.

Missed this thread for a while, seems Iā€™ve missed some cracking spots.

A few observations.

Bandage, you are a fool.

Secondly, why do you morons refers to those GAA players as DOC (where the fuck does the capitalisation come from by the way?), fogie and skippy etc? Hate that over familiar shit.

Saw author of Armitage Fowl (or whatever the fook its called) Eoin Colfer driving around Wexico the other day in a cracking motor. Knowing fuck all about cars and caring less I donā€™t know what brand it was but it looked fairly classy.

[quote=ā€œAppendageā€]Missed this thread for a while, seems Iā€™ve missed some cracking spots.

A few observations.

Bandage, you are a fool.

Secondly, why do you morons refers to those GAA players as DOC (where the fuck does the capitalisation come from by the way?), fogie and skippy etc? Hate that over familiar shit.

Saw author of Armitage Fowl (or whatever the fook its called) Eoin Colfer driving around Wexico the other day in a cracking motor. Knowing fuck all about cars and caring less I donā€™t know what brand it was but it looked fairly classy.[/quote]

Appendage, you are a complete idiot.

Who cares if someone calls someone by their nickname? Why get so uptight you fool?

Hopefully Giggsy will break Bobby Charltonā€™s appearance record, Arnie will do another Terminator film, Monty will qualify for the Ryder Cup team and Stone Cold will fight at Wrestlemania XXV.


[quote=ā€œAppendageā€]Missed this thread for a while, seems Iā€™ve missed some cracking spots.

A few observations.

Bandage, you are a fool.

Secondly, why do you morons refers to those GAA players as DOC (where the fuck does the capitalisation come from by the way?), fogie and skippy etc? Hate that over familiar shit.

Saw author of Armitage Fowl (or whatever the fook its called) Eoin Colfer driving around Wexico the other day in a cracking motor. Knowing fuck all about cars and caring less I donā€™t know what brand it was but it looked fairly classy.[/quote]

Reason Iā€™d call them by their nicknames is coz thats what I call them to their face when I talk to them (in the case of Doc and Fogie anyway). And Iā€™d say the same for any of the other lads on panels that Iā€™d know personally. Dont know why that would make me a moron?

And why is David O Connors nick name of DOC in capitals? Iā€™ll let you figure that one out.

[quote=ā€œGmanā€]Reason Iā€™d call them by their nicknames is coz thats what I call them to their face when I talk to them (in the case of Doc and Fogie anyway). And Iā€™d say the same for any of the other lads on panels that Iā€™d know personally. Dont know why that would make me a moron?

And why is David O Connors nick name of DOC in capitals? Iā€™ll let you figure that one out.[/quote]

Donā€™t mind him Gman - heā€™s probably just bitter that he knows nobody on the county panels.

[quote=ā€œGmanā€]Reason Iā€™d call them by their nicknames is coz thats what I call them to their face when I talk to them (in the case of Doc and Fogie anyway). And Iā€™d say the same for any of the other lads on panels that Iā€™d know personally. Dont know why that would make me a moron?

And why is David O Connors nick name of DOC in capitals? Iā€™ll let you figure that one out.[/quote]

Sorry Billy Big Biscuits, didnā€™t realise your know the lads personally.

I know that, but you were calling me a moron for it so just explaining myself, wasnt name dropping (not that knowing lads like that is exactly name dropping, hence why I called Bandage a farce for having them as celebs!)

Billy Big Biscuits - what the fuck?

Youā€™re probably right there Bendage, bitter and twisted at my misfortune not to be acquainted with people on county panels. But luckily I have the likes of your sad little self to keep me a (ample) breast of some of their movements.

Yeah - should that not have been shortened to ā€œBBBā€, or ā€œBibboā€?